Page 201 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 201
147B-1 and 2 150C-1
VANCE, Newton/1912- TUBBE, Conrad F.R/1904-1977
VANCE, Mary/1918- TUBBE, Edna M/1905-
Our Dear Son "Kevin" - 1959 Together Forever
147C-1 and 2 150C-2 and D-1
SMITH, Frederick A/1896-1956 TUBBE, Rudolph J/1905-1973
(Oddfellows) TUBBE, Earla M/1910-1986
SMITH, Mabel M/1896-1986 Together Forever
148A-1 and 2 150D-2
RULE, Harold P/1893-1978 TUBBE, Edmund P/1914-1989
(Cdn Corps of Commissionaires) (Legion crest)
RULE, Gladys M/1896- TUBBE, Lorna F/1919-
(Cross) (Lodge - Rebekah)
Together Forever
152D-1 and 2
148B-1 MASSAD, Salim/1886-1940
DEACON, James R/1886-1962 MASSAD, Rose/1900-1985
153B- 1 and 2
DEACON, Jessie E/1888-1974 COLLINS, Edward James/1872-
(Holy Bible) 1969
(Masonic crest)
COLLINS, Ada Elizabeth/
BAILEY, John/1900-1959
(Holy Bible)
STEWART, Gerald T/1903-1961 153C-1
IEEMS, Takala
Sept 15, 1868 - March 25, 1956
MCFARLANE, C. Leslie/1902-1977
153C-2 and 3
149C-2 BROWN, Hector R/1909-1969
BROWN, Edna M/1909-
Died September 13, 1955
(Pretic Prudentia Praestat)
Together Forever
150A-1 and 2
BROWN, J.R. Laird/1915-1977 153D-1
(Oddfellows) MORRISON, G. Willard/1906-1966
BROWN, Loretta/1915-1966 MORRISON, S. Winnifred/1912-
(Rebekah Lodge)
Together Forever
150A-2 153D-2
DEVONPORT, John J/1893-1981
MACRAE, Frank S/1912-1989
DEVONPORT, Ovilda/1892-1984 (The Cameron Highlanders of
Together Forever Ottawa)
150A-3 MACRAE, Inez D/1908-
WOOD, Charles L/1886-1960 (Holy Bible)
WOOD, Ethel/1886-1955