Page 85 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 85
Plot #947
G. Campbell
William J. Kerr 1868-1949 idanford arydges
wifs, Baby Brydges - 1949
Elizabeth E. Kennedy 1872-1965
Gordon ifi. Campbell 1914-1964 Plot #953
viif'e, H. Schlievert
Verna E. Kerr 1913-1974
Berman Schlievert Sr. 1676-1958
wif e,
Plot; ff948 Jane McLaughlin Rutherford,
D. :TT IIajaury 1876-1950
David J. Ma jaury 1916-1952
lfrs. D.J. Majaury Plot #954
Joy Plajaury -1948 L Raddatz
Ivîic!iael Majaury - 1949
ienry Raddatz 1865-1948
aif e ,
Ottillie ?/iusclow 1874-1967
Baby Raddatz -1954
John William Frank Haybecker,
1891-1949 Plot #955 N&
wii:e, -,Charbonneau
Dolly D. lerguson 1909-
Ricky Edward Haybecker -1965 Fred Charbonneau 1881-1951
M. Ann l'Jaybee 1879-1968
Plot 1949 SF
G. Ilultaan
- Plot #955 s&
W. Butler
Gus-.ave Hiiltman
Vic~or Hultman -1949 Eunice L. Tweed 1949
N. liultnan -1959 \$m. Butler
Plot #950 Plot #950
E. 3urton 111. Yade
Eric Eurtcn -1976 dlilliam G. Yade 1893-1956
Baby Burton -1949 wif e,
Luella M. Neuman 1894-1973
Plot $951 John U. if. Yade 1921-1941
J. II. Robertson
- --.------ - -
Elmer Eelmet Yade -1949
Johr. 3. Robertson 1898-1949 Mrs. Elmer Yade -1952
wi:f e ,
Eeïths A. Siegrist 1888-1973 Plot k957
J. . Hamiltan
Flot $952 S$
--- John k:. Hamilton 1868-1957
S. >[iller
Stariley Ti. lvliller wife, Agnes X. Leckie 1879-1969
Baby Miller -1949 Jane S. Hamilton 1902