Page 234 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 234

-----                             Flot  #
             ,,alsh,  6ncie  Florence
             .iz1skj  Stanley  L.

             . .
             :?;arbrick, Agnes
             ',;!arbrick;  Elizabeth

             .,ard , Lllsi:  C.
             :dard,  ,T.  ,).
             . .
             ,#arc!,  Ilar jo-ie  Claire
             Lardg S.  Ij.
             ,,ard,  <J.  C.
             ilarlich,  Lucy
             'iarlich,  Valeska
             .;arren,  Zlizaheth                                                               97  F.E.

             i;as~und, Dora  F.
             .:atson9  Albert  E.
             iiatson,  Alice
                         -  -
             :~>atson,  n-~ec
             .ratson5 3.  H.                                                                   723
             ';tatson,  1,Irs.  D.  3.                                                         723
             ;.atçon,  Elva  I'L.                                                              1036
             ',.atsoc,  Howard  d.                                                             1036
             !,atscc,. James                                                                   166  F.L.
             \satsori,  J.  Kenneth                                                            223
             .#a t son,  Johr                                                                  166 T.L.
             itatson,  John                                                                    lt6 F.L.
             Iiatson,  John                                                                    723
             ',.atsori, irs.  Johr,                                                            723
             batson,  Kathie                                                                   132 F.L.
             .;ztsoc7 Lorne                                                                    816
              !.   ,
              :,~tçon,  jpfroc'  G.                                                             1036
              ;.a+son, i,iellie                                                                 BI  Block  FE
              3 ;:atson,  Ralpn                                                                 702
              ::atsîin,  Robert                                                                 816
              :,atsor.,  R.  Ilorreg
              .,stson,  KoSert  K.
              b;atson,  HoSert  S.
              :#atson, R.  P!l~rray
              ?Lat sen,  Stei~le!?
              :;.atson,  :!illitin  S.
              ::atson,  :.*m. J.  (&  2  babes)

              .~att,  hnnie  L.
              lcatt,  Ida  Isabellâ
              iiatt,  Jessie  C.
              i,'a t i; ; John
              :satt,  .Jchn
              >iatt, Xary  Della
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