Page 228 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 228
Strilte? Thornas Sdwarfi (Ted)
Strika, Jack
Strike, iieiiry
Strike, Be-~ry
Stringer, George
Stricger , Beien
Stringer, dsnet Isobel
S%ririger, z:Ielinr?a
Strudivick , John 37 F.E.
Stuart, Acnie 118
Stump, Snsan
Styles 161 F.E.
Styles, Benjamin Cnrnelius 6 20
Styles, Dora 620
Styles, Do ;',!Iargaret
Styles, Ewart Tan
Styles, Genevieve
Styles, George Grierson
Styl-es, George .
Styles, ;Irs. Geo.
Styles, Eugh John
Styles, Re-.le1 knson
Styles, Reuel Clarence
Styles, Et. A.
639 ~2
Sullivan, Charles R.
Sullivan, Harry . ' 531
Svlliven, Lila 339
Sullivan, Serah Jane 447
Sullivan, Lila Lay 169 F.L.
Sutherland, 211~~ y86 F.L.
Sutherland, Gilher t 150 F.L.
Sutnerlaad, G. 96
Sarher larad, Isa bel1 150 F.E.
Gctherland: Jessie 150 F.L.
S~xtherland , John 150 F.E.
S7~ther lard, K. 62
Swant, August
Swant, Helen
Saatit , Lena
Swatit, hobert