Page 139 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 139

i.'ar>o                                        Da tes
               Cnnyijell,  b-rchibald  J.
               Car,!pl~ell, lirckiie
               C-::~];beil,  Arthu  ?fervin
               Ca;.~l:'~el.:,  11.  S.
               Caril:i:eli,  !3ella  J~re
               Ctr:pbnl19  aessie
               Cu~?i>l>e;l, C~therine
               Cariil:beIl,  Catl-!!
               Csrii:,bell,  Ck:ristîr,a
               Car:.~bell,  Ck~ristilia
               C::?i:bell,   C!-~rlstena Bnri
               C           l  Ciÿde  i.icrre~:
               Cci:?~~i,eil~, Jor!cild  Colin
               P.. ~~i~~pbell, Do~ald J.
               CctipieLi,  DocaLd  ,;.
               C         l   I)iincaiia                                                          -
               Ceny.tre11 ,' Diincafi                                                            :89  Teh.
               Ca e       l  Duncar.                                                             ; 97
               Canp~zell, 3uncan  Ben.                                                         i  792 F.E.
               Csr-i:.,bell,  Duxcan  5.                                                         55  F.E.
               Cal":  r:,ell,  DIJ.I:CZI~  1!1.
               Cr:. te! , D'~cgr:id
               Ch~.p!:,eïl , 311~
               c          1 Eli~anetii
                .,,.,.  c
               Caa>?ell,  3lizabeth
               Ca:i;ibell,  EliznYeth
                             . .
               Ca:!;l.bel',,  rvc.  I.
               Ca:3~oe':,    Gledgs  1.
               Cz.aj:belL,  Uordon  il.
               Carnl: tjeli, , !isnnaki
              C-..       l  , - i:arcld
               C~~n]-:'rjeli, Iiei:tor
               Canpiiell~, !iagl;  A.
               Cai3i:iel19  Ida  il.
               Ca!ll:l~el::,  Is~ikella
               C;l~,]~be!l,  Isabel13
              Ceml;i~ell., J;
               Ca:?,pbell,  Jarries
              Cs!!ii,iiell,  Janies  R.
              Ca:?pbell,  Janet
               Car~;'belL,' J. El'is
               Ca~i~p!:elL, Jer:ny
               CampheiL,  Jessie
               C~m~beli, John
              C     I     .  John                                                                104
               Canl)?Celi.,  Jok?                                                                7-89 P.E.
               Cs~!pbe;l,  John  K.
               Canii;l:eii,  Jchn  S.
               Csnïl:L)ell:  drs.  John  3.
               Ceag bel1 , Jonn  ::.
               CarapixLI,  Jûiir~ i,iilliari
               Campbeil,  L70seph D.
               Cai.r,p?,e11, Karl
               Caixp~,ell, Kenneth  v?.
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