Page 130 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 130

Plot 2

                Bean,  i8ary  Jane  (Cavenâgh)                                                    546
                13ean,  Eary  !.laud.                                                             872
                Sean,  O.  Ei.rer
                Bean,  Thont: s  Li.

                Peerd,  Anna  3,.

                Beattie,  A.  Jzmes
                Beattie,  Bllan
                Beattie,  Arthur  Jaxe s
                Beattie,  Clara
                Urattie,  Donald
                Seattie,  Jeanette  Duf f
                Seattie,  Nenell
                Beattie,  Vivian
                aeattie,  li . J .
                Beattie,  2il:iam        G.
                Beatiie,  Jarles  R,

                Eeechsmp,  Joseph
                .eecker,  Alexander
                aecker,  G3rcIcc  A.

                Bedore,  Arnold  Ed,~~erd
                Bedore,  Catherine
                Bedore,  Delorne
                Bedore,  Glenn  berscn

                Beggs,  Jcine

                Beier,  Albert

                Belax,  Perrl

                Belbia,  Jennie  A.

                Belille,  Joçephine  Eg.                                                          44  F.Z.
                Pelille,  Lxis                                                                    $4  7.5.
                Belille,  Mary                                                                   .44  F.E.

                3ell,  Agnes                                                                     . 194 F.E.
                Bell,  Albert  (Baby)                                                             Free  snd
                Beli,  Ara    Elizabeth
                nell;  Catherine  lrr~.                                                           48  r.;.
                ~ell, Charles                                                                     87
                Bell,  ELiza                                                                      74  F.L.
                Bell,  Zliza  Howsrd                                                              106
                Ee11,  Cladys  1::.
                aell,  J.  Albert
                Bell,  Janes
                Bell,  Jennie  Kate
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