Page 118 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 118
---- --
Flot $202
'#/ni. Sough 1859 @ 33 Robert ?dIenz.ies Stewart 1857-1925
Thomas iu. Paris 1868-1930
Jean B. Kearns 1870-1946
J -- ,.
Flot 7r-r
Plot ji2C3
Jsmes Young 1849-1539
Kenneth Clarke 1905 Ida LIorris Young
Everett Clarke 1905 -,- 1871-1938
kvllliar t;cGee Young
&a Galbraith Clarke 1907 Jessie Catherine Arnstron~.
Mary Ann Lock 1888 $ 35
Reuben Bond
RoSert John Ucnd @ 2ni Plot $213
Arthur John 3ond $ 1y
ter~an Heintzman 1879-1957
Zlizabeth Thoms 1877-1971
Plot &O4 '~iilliam Harrison Heintzman,
Lilly M. 3. Fiamsay 1898 @ 1
Robert A. Ramsay 1867-1943
Catherine Coghlan 1868-1936
Endsiey id. Eamsay 1893-1955
Jessie Ledgerwood
Charles A. Kerr
Plct $205
-- hia~ide l'JI. Kerr
Alexander Wilson 1927 @ 44 ,,illiarn IlKarr
Xary A. Thomas 1968 @ 78 Sffs Tlay Kerr
G. Fraser 1890 Lorne Clendenning
Flot &&
C. W. Burns 1924 @ 35 :(orman 3or?en Smith
Ettel A. Burgs @ 13m Orville Smith
iirs. 0. binitn
Plot #208
Alexander Dexviar 1852 @ 67
Mary Crawf ord 1867 @ 7~1
Isabella De~viar 1892 @ 58
John Dewar 1890 0 63
Donald Deriar 1870 O 2
Flot $209 -blank
Plot -"210
George M. S. Wilson
Edward George Ellis 1857 @ 42 Zlizabeth Holnas 1847-1867
Nargaret Dewar 2896 @ 75 Tedà y 'i'li:!son