Page 11 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 11

Plot  #85                                        Flot  #9l
                                                                  J.  Thomson
                 Carrs                                            - -
                 G.  E.  A.  Carrs                  -1912         Rev.  Matthew  Henry  Scott  190s 59
                   u'ife  of  A.  Jamieson,  M.D.                   aife,  JessieGrey  Thomson,
                 James  Taylor                1863-1932
                   mlife,  Isabella  C.  C.  Carrs,               John  Barrett  Scott               1884-1918
                                                    -1951           wife,  Elizabeth  Louise  Duclos,
                 Plot  886                                        $\)alter Bannernan  ThomsonJ884  @: 8m.
                  N.  Robertson
                 - -. -. - -- --  -          See  #68             Vlillie  McLean  Thomson           1884 @  8m.
                 Al.ex  Stewart  Robertson  1874@4
                  Neil  Rcbertson             1821-1879           Plot  #92
                 1:i:abella Robertson  1835-191.1                 Robt.  Orr

                                                                  hilliam  Orr                       1839-1892
                 P^.ct  #87                                         wif e,  Kary  Ann  Viaddell  1850-1916
                 ------                                           It4ary  Orr                        1890-1892
                 J.  Bell
                                                                  ~obert Orr                         1871-1951
                 K~.te jleredith                    -1907          wife,  Bertha  Kennedy            1882-1930
                   wife  of  James  Bell             1911
                                                                  Nargaret  Orr                      1889-1929
                 ML ctague  John  Morris  1848-1914               Samuel  Orr                        1874-1932
                 Charles  Sel1                      1860          William  Orr                       1877-1938
                 Jrrnie  Kate  Bell                 1878          Alexander  Orr                     1860-1939

                 P:i.ût #88                                       Plot  n93
                                                                  J.  Eiarison
                 Dr.  Cranston                                    -
                 Hcirriet  Elizabeth  Chilllto,
                   wife  of  Alfred  E.  Ednunds                  Plot  #94
                                                                  'ir.  Bennett
                 Anie Della  Cranston  1872-1956
                 klice  Jane  Cranston  1867-1963                 Thos  Bennett                      1684 @  24
                                                                  Charles  ïheodore  Jensen  1908 @  2m.
                                                                  Edwin  Otto  Jensen                1910-1912

                                                                  Plot  #95
                                                                  J.  Hubbell

                                                                  James  Bubbell
                 P:I ct #90
                 -- --  - - --
                 G.  Sutherland
                                                                  Flot  #90
                                                                  - -- - -
                                                                  James  C.  Taylor                 1830-1921
                                                                                                      (cont Id 3
                                                                   wife,  Alexandrina  McKa&l830-191
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