Page 2 - index
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                  Centre  JEardiey ~nited Church is a white wooden  structure  on
           the  north side of Xwy.  8  acioss  from %he residence  of George S.
           Hetherington,  about  nine miles qnorth-west .,of Aylmer , Quebec.  The
           church was  orlginally  Methodist,  and remains  a mission  of  ~ylmer
           United  Church, although it now operates  only in the  swnmer  rnonths.
           Entries  are ,madè9 in the  registers  of the Aylmer  church, of which
           there  are  only three books  da-tlng before 1918,. and these  include
           entries dated-3851-61, 1875-78,  and  1886-1918.  Records  for other
           years appeaz,.to have ..een lost,  so same  of  the  gravestsnes at
           Centre  Eardley 'prese'live Ûhique  information.
                  The  cerneteif  appFasn6  +to date  f@bm  the I.880sr  and the  stone
           of two  infant  d.~u&t,ers of"  Robertr Breckenridge  (#16) appears  to
           be  one  of  the  oldest;  It 5s  a nirieteenth  century limestone  marker
           bearing  s  carving  of ià'?ose  and the dates 1880 and  1882,  There  are
           several dates  of de&h  earlier  than  1880, but most  of those  con-
           cerned probablf  were not enterred here ,  The  name  of Steadman  Bebee,
           who  died  in 1857 (#17),  is to be found  also  on a much older  stons
           in Bellevue Cemetery, betweén  Aylmer  and  Hull,  bearing  the  inscrip-                          .
           tion "erected by his wife".              The  wife was  Elizabeth Murdrnan,  a daugh-
           ter of Henry  Hurdman  Sr,,  and she  was  buried  in Bellevue  in 1903
           a4;  .?he  ~e  of, 86.  Her  name  does  not appear on a  stone in e ither
           ccmetery.  The-burial place  cf Richard Hyland  (#39.) remains unknown
           -I;o  this  wrfief,  but  his wife  Mary  McGee, who is mentioned  on  the
           Zamily  stone  here in Centre  Ear-dley,  was  actually buried  fn the
           graveyard of St. Luke's  Anglican  Church,  several miles  further up
           *Lhe road.
                  There  are  alsa  a niinber  of unmarked. gravea,  some of f airly recent
           d~te, Those  known  ta this writer include:
              Willizm  Cook Kadmoke  CSept.2T11839-July 21,1910) Bon  of Ehanuel
                 Radmore  and  Jane  Moffatt.  He was  barn in Hull twp,  but  hived
                 in Eardlev.
              Hiû .if  e  ~r%nces Faris   an. 16,1841-~e$t. 12,1905) daughter  of
                 John Faris  and  Marv  Benedict.
              T;;omas  He therington  ~MW. 27, i863-~ar. 4,1948) son of Joseph
                fietherington Jr, and Lucy  Benedict.
              Hi$ wife  Kary  Mulligan (dug.22,1867-~m,24,1906)  daughter  of
                Francis NuLligan who moved Srorn'Neyean to 0nsluw  and  his  wife
                hlargaret  Hyland  (daughter  of Richard), who are  buried
                St. Lulce's.
              The ir childreni
                Geo.Thos.Hetherfngton  {M~Y 6-27,  18923.
                Lena  May  {Feb. 11-28,1899).
                Percy Robert  Thomas  une  30,1900-July 22, 1938).
                Edward  John (~ec.24,1902-~ay 16,1962)~
                Margery Rebecca (~pr. 21,1905-Feb. 21,1923).

                  Ihere  are  atones to several pioneers  at Centre
           that  of  Steadman  Bebee who was  a  juror at the  f irst coroner"  iinquest
           in Hull in Denr7:ber  1822 and  whose name appears  an the 1823 contract
           ta bulld St, James  Angliczn Church,  the first church  in the Ottawa
           VaLl.ey.  Richard Hyland was  born in Ireland  but  was  in Hull by  1824,
           and  hic  nme  appears  on the Hull Militia  return  for JuZy  1825,                        Hi8
           fmily nioved  hto Eardley  in the  18509.
            PRoPRIÉ'BS BE  LA
           Sei  MCO. O. O:;~A;I:N?M
          0WISra;P.  rr  ü:  ~hrfhtoat
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