Page 17 - index
P. 17

-14-                             INDEX  TO  NOTES

          KIDDER               Roberf                    31  RADMORE              Jane  Moffatt         IN,,38
                               Sarah                     31                       william Cook          1~~62
                                                              RESIDE              Alexander                 42
           LINCOLN             Abraham                    4                       Betty                     20
           LUSK                Elizabeth  Merrifield                              Jane  McCoy               42
                                                        49                        Mary  Delmore             42
                              Esther  Balmer          3,26                        Thomas                42,56
                               Isaac                     IN                       Violet  J.                61
                               Jane  Finley             26  RICHARDS              Ambrose           15,43151
                               J.  F.                   IN                        Oljve  Moore          15,43
                               Joseph  Sr.                                        Susan  Dunton             5 1
                                         IN,3,19,26,49        ROGERS              Marion  G.                IN
                               Joseph  Jr. 9,18,45,56
                               Rebecca  Agert             g  SIMPSON              Ann                   36p52
                               Robert                   49  SMYTH                 Catherine                 20
                                                                                  Mrs.  J.  G.              IN
           VAXWELL             Elizabeth                 19                       Joseph                IN  27
                               Francis                   19                       Mary  Acres               IN
                               Helen  Bouroughs          19  STEELE               John                      39
                               Jane                      19                       Sarah McKenny             39
           McC OY              Jane                      42
           McGEE               Mary                      IN  WALLER               Amanda                    43
           Mc  KENNY           Sarah                     39                       Truman                    43
           MERR IF IELD        Elizabeth                 49
                               Rosannah                 49
          MOFFATT              Jane                 IN P 38                Aclcnowledgements
          MOORE                Aoigail                   37
                               Dudley  Sr.            bpi5          Much  of  the  information  given  in
                               Dudley  Jr.            4,21  the  notes  and  introduction  was  gath-
                               Joseph  Molton            30  ered  at various  times  during  the  last
                               Levi                       4  few  years  from  many  different  sources,
                               Mary                     30  Chief  among  them  were  Anson  Gard's
                               Olive                15p43  "Pioneers  of  the  Upper  Ottawa"  (1906),
                               Phoebe  Mulligan           4  Reby  Dodds'  "Who"         Which?",  Marion
                               Polly(Sarah)~olton 4  Rogers1  "Church  of  the  Week"  column
                               Roger                15#4.3 noted  above,  and  the  3 861  rensus  of
                               Sarah  Hiclcs             15  Eardley  Twp.  (in which  the  maiden
                               Sarah  Molton              4  names  of  most  wives  are  given).  With
          MULLIGAN             Francis                   IN  reference  to  particular  families,
                               Margaret  Hylmd           IN  Mabel  Ferris,  Nancy  Benedict,  Joan
                               Mary                 1~~61 McKayp  Stella Hetherington,  and  Don
                               Phoebe                     4  Beebe  and  Ruby  Rutherford  out  west,
                                                              have  been  very  helgful,  as  was  Rich-
           ORMOND              Albert                    41  ard  McAra,  one  of  the  caretakers  at
                               Robert                    31  St.  Luke's,
                               Sarah  Kidder             31

           PINK'S  Cemetery,  Lucernep P.Q.              IN
           PINK                Eleanor                   17
                               Elizabeth  Hewitt  17
                               Samuel                    17
           POWELL              Abigail  Moore            37
                               Richard                   37

           RADMORE             Eleanor              27S2
                               Emanue 1             IN, 38
                               Frances  Faris            IN
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