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                   The  Dalesville  Public  Cemetery  is located  on  Lot 16,  Range  10,  Chatham  Township
             Argenteuil  County,  Province  of Quebec,  approximately  90  miles  (144  Kilometers)  from
             Ottawa-Hull .

                   To  reach  the  cemetery  from  the  south  side  of the Ottawa  River,  via  highway  17,
             drive  through  the main  street  of Hawkesbury,  cross  the  Perley  Bridge  into Quebec,
             proceed  north to highway  148,  then  east  to St.  Philippe.  Turn  north on  highway  327
             for 5  miles  (8  Kilometers).


                   Dimensions  (approx.)                      : 485  feet  (148  meters)  by  155  feet  (47 m.  )

                   No.  of rows                               : 36

                   No.  of remaining  stones                  : 163

                   No.  of broken  stones  behind  the
                   utility building                           : 16

                   Oldest  person  buried                     :  Isabella  Fbtt #1,  died  aged  98.

                   Earl iest birth                            : Duncan  McPhail  (1773-1832)  #IO7

                                      1                    ]    John  McFarlane  (1773-1842)  #(d)

                   Earliest  buriel                           : John  McGibbon  (1 781-1831 )  #91  &  #(O)

                                                                John  Robertson  (1 804-1 831 )  #(j )


                   The  cemetery  is well  maintained  and  free  from  bush  and  weeds,  although  some
             work  is required  in order  to Save  the  broken  stones  located  under  the  evergreen
             trees  behind  the  utility building.  These  stones  are  very  old  and  in order  to  Save
             them  they  should  be  pieced  together  and  embedded  in cement.

                   Some  families  have  erected new  stones  to replace  the  old ones  mentioned  above,
             but some  important details  were  left out  on, the new  stones  such  as  dates,  years  etc.
             of births  and  deaths.  This  is one  more  reason  for  restoring  the  old  broken  stones.


                   The  land  was  given  by  John  McGibbon.  He  came  to Lachute  in 1820,  and  lived  .  :
             there a  few  years  before  settling  in Dalesville on  Lot  16,  range  10.  That  he  was  a
             man  of public  spirit is inferred from the  promptness  with which  he  put  an  end  to dis-
             satisfaction and  differences  among  his  neighbors  concerning  the  land for a  graveyard.
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