Page 78 - My FlipBook
P. 78
Berring - One of the fish found in Homds - The most common types
found in Heraldry consist of the tal-
Heraldry (q.v.).
bot, which is an animal rather
Heurt - A type of roundle (q.v.).
resembling the golden labrador, and
the greyhound.
Hind - An animal of the stag type
sometirnes used as a charge.
Huii - Refers to the huii of a ship
or lymphad.
Hippocampus - A sea-horse.
Human Beings - When human
UippogrB - A hybrid of the griffia
beings are used as charges or as
and horse,
supporters the blazon must care-
fully state their attitude, costume
Hoist - The apparatus used to raise
and action and the type of man or
a flag,
woman to be depicted, e.g. Sailor,
Crusader, Wildman. Parts of the
Holy Lamb - A seldom used name
human body are of far more fre-
for Paschal Lamb (q.v.).
quent appearance.
Honom Point - A point on the
HmeM - Cooped. An expression
shield whidi appears approxhately
to ordinaries
in the centre of the base of a chief.
Hnrst - A small group of trees
Hoof'' - An ex~ression use'
generally borne upon a mount in
applying a different tincture to the
hooves of animals.
Hydra - A seven-headed dragon.
Hom - See bugIe horn.
Horn of Pleaiy - An expression
sometimes used for the Cornucopia.
Horned - An expression used when
referring to the horns of animals.
Ibex - The Heraldic animal called
by this name is not the ibex of
Hornet - An insect occasionally
nature but it resembles the Heraldic
found as a charge,
antelope, with the exception of the
Horns - Refers to the horns of al1 barns which are straight and
animals except those of the stag serrated.
type for which the term ' attire ' is
used. lliegitimacy and Adoption -
Horse - The horse may be fouad in It is customary in modern Heral-
one of several positions in coat dry to use certain marks to denote
armour and occasionally the horse's illegitimacy but in early days
head. Heralds had no regular system to
distinguish persons of illegitimate
Horse Shoe - A charge frequently birth or their descendants and
found held in the mouth of the generalIy speaking the form of
ostrich. May be blazoned as ferr. difierence used was that most suit-
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