Page 256 - My FlipBook
P. 256
away fore and aft which formed
the skirt. Circa 1511.
Sword Smith - An amiourer specia-
lising in making swords. His craft
has been of paramount importance
froni the eariy Saxon time.
Tournament - A meeting held dur-
ing the Middle Ages at which
knights proved their skill by joust-
ing or tilting. There were various
types of bout, the ' mêlée ' in whicll
teams of knights fought against
each other and the ' lists ' at which
two knights fought each other in
Taces - A name given to gaps likely single combat. Originally the object
to appear between plates in armour was to unhorse the adversary but
and which were generally protected later a system was developed where-
by points were obtained by merely
by strips of mail.
breaking lances.
In early days there was very little
Tang - The projection from the
blade of a sword on to which the control kept during these bouts but
grip and handle furniture are iatterly a system of rules was rigidly
A tournament was always a gala
Target - A type of shield (¶,va).
affair, combined with banquets and
jollifications and invariably a local
Tassets - Small metal strips beauty was selected as Queen of the
strapped to the fauld to provide Tournament.
additional protection for the thigh. Todets - Rigid imitation pleats cut
Trottiog Amour - A kind of half
Three Quarter Amour - A çystem amour used in Germany. so named
introduced during the 17th century because it gave tlie horsemen more
for cavalry providing armour down mobility.
to the knee and leather riding boots
for the Feet and legs. Turban Helmet - An eastern inno-
vation, about half-way between a
Tilting Annour - Specially pro- turban and a helmet. Constructed
lectd amour designed for use in of metal, sometimes pointed and
tournaments. It was generally decor- Rat topped, it had flutings round the
ated but not so gencrously as that circumference representing the folds
used for ceremonial parades. of ~he turban.