Page 220 - My FlipBook
P. 220
broad chin strap to protect the order to give the hand complete
cheeks from being mbbed.
freedom of movement.
Arming Doublet - This was a kind Armonr, Body - A general term
of under gannent developed on the covering dl types of armour pro-
lines of the Aketon which was tecting the body.
designed for use under the more
cornprehensive type of mail in use Armoor, Cnstom Made - Owing to
in the 15th century. In addition to the vast difEerence in the sue of
its quilted material it had pieces of individuals. it was as important for
mail laced to al1 the vital points armour to be made to fit the indi-
which were not covered by pIate or vidual as it is today with tailor-made
where the plates rnight allow the suits.
lance to penetrate.
Annonr, Gothic - Gothic armour is
Arming Sword - During the 15th particularly noteworthy for its styl-
century Knights used two types of ised elegance and it was at its peak
sword one long and one short. The during the second half of the 15th
Arming Sword was the short sword century. Many of the Gothic styles
he wore on his belt when on horse- were reproduced in the Italian work-
back, while the long sword was shops, largely because tbey catered
attached directly to the saddle. Thus for the export trade whereas the
if disrnounted at any time he was German armourcrs were kept busy
still sure of having a weapon.
enough fulflling the requirements
within their own country.
Armonr - Refers to the defensive
covering worn by a fighting man. In Armonr in the German Style - A
early days it was made of toughened general term embracing al1 Ger-
leather or quilted material sorne- manic armour from the Gothic style
what similar to canvas but Iater it to the later Maxirnilian armour.
was generally constructed of metal
either in the fom of mail or plating. Armoor, Krebs - The name given
There is an interesting point in to a forrn of armour considerably
connection with mediaeval armour: lighter in weight from the early
at the time no one talked of a 'suit rjgid plates. The system consisted of
of annour ' as it is referred to today. several overlapping lames somewhat
Instead both the Knight and similar to the shell of the crayfish.
armourer referred to it as 'an It was particularly popular in
amour ' or ' harness '. Poland and Wungary when used for
The separate types and parts of cavalry.
armour are discussed in the relative
atphabetical position. Amour, Maximifian - It was the
youthful Arch-Duke Maximilian,
Amour, Articuiated - A system a conternporary of Henry Vm,
deviçed in connection with plate who. as the resu1t of his wealthy
arrnour using rivets and sockets rnarriage, was able to display a keen
desig~ed to make armour more iiex- and early interest in the production
ible at specific places, such as the of the best armour. His generous
elbow. the knee, and the foot. In support of numerous armourer's
addition a particular type of arti- workshops stimulated German out-
culated gauntlet was devised in put.
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