Page 2 - My FlipBook
P. 2

O 1985 Arco Publishing, Inc.
                                              215 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10003
                                             Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
                                                          Puttock,  A. G.
                                                A dictionary of heraldry and relaied subjects.
                                                          Bibliography: p.
                                                   1.  Heraldry-Dictionarics.
                                                                       1. Tiile.
                                               CR13.P8  1985
                                                        ISBN 0-668-06572-9
                                                This cdition published by arrangement 4th
                                               Blakeron Hall Limited, London under licence
                                                 frorn the aurhor Colonel A. C. Puttock.
                                             Reproduced, printed and bound in Great Britain
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