Page 155 - My FlipBook
P. 155
upon. However, application to the grees prepared by Roger F. Ferra1
Priest of the relevant Parish could in the year 1709 are contained in a
sometirnes prove fruitful.
Details with regard to protestant This publication gives a great deal
parishes and name of the incumbent of reliable information with regard
can be found by referring to Crock- to many of the ancient Irish families
fords Clerical Directory or if a whose surmanes begin with ' 0
copy is not available a letter and ' Mac'. This volume is of
course in the Genealogical Office.
addresseci to:
Trinity College, Dublin which is
The Editor,
the Premier University of Ireland
Crockford's Clerical Directory,
has the largest library in Ireland
Oxford University Press.
and references to any of its volumes
Amen Corner.
will be made on behalf of an
London E.C.4.
inquirer if they are sent to:
The Assistant Registrar,
parishes, appIication may be made
Trhity College,
for simiIar information from :
The Editor.
Thom's Directory of Ireland,
Furthemore, the University pre-
Alex Thom Co. PS. Ltd.,
pares and keeps up a complete list
Crow Street,
of al1 admissions to the University.
In addition to details of the
students. their entry. their University
For information with regard to
attainments also their father's pro-
wills, application sliould be made
fessions and occupations may be
once again to the Public Record
obtained from this record entilted
Office where the collection from
' Alumni Dublinenses '.
1904 is cornplete and from 1858
Though it is popularly believed
almost complete. In addition there
that a Roman Catholic cannot be-
are many abstracts of wills which
corne a Freemason, this statement
were originally made for Genealo-
is completely inaccurate as the ban
gicaI purposes, many of which go
lies on the Catholic side, on the
back as far as 1536. These too are
grounds that Freemasonry is a
avaiIable at the Public Record
secret society. Consequently many
Irish are Freemasons. Their records
The Genealoaical Office. Dublin
are well kept and many Genealogi-
Castle, which is-the combked office volume called ' Liez Antiqua '.
of the Chief Herald and the Chief cal facts can be brought to light by
Genealogist of Ireland contains al1 applying to:
the Heraldic records of the Republic
and photo-stat copies of the early The Grand Secretary's Office,
Ulster records. Applications to this Freemason's Hall,
Office should be sent to: 17 Molesworth Street,
The Chief Herald of IreIand,
Geneal ogical Office,
Dublin Castle, Printed Sources
'The Origin and Stem of the
Many of the original Celtic pedi- Irish Nation' published by John