Page 143 - My FlipBook
P. 143
Temporary Readers' Tickets. valid cient preliminary information has
for 7 days, may be obtained on per- been provided; in such cases the fee
sonaI application at the Enquiries will be refunded and the names and
Desk. Application forms for hree- addresses of two independent record
yearly Readers' Tickets and copies agents supplied.
of ' Information for Readers ' will
Applications for searches should
be sent on request.
be made on the appropriate form.
For persons unable to make a Payments should be made in ster-
persona1 search, the Public Record ling, and for the exact amount
Office can provide the names and specified, either by postal order or
addresses of two independent record by cheque drawn on an English
agents who might be prepared to account or by International Money
undertake a search in these Returns. Order, payable to the Public Record
The Public Record Office accepts Office. Applications for up to three
no responsibility for arrangements searches may be made on any one
made between such agents and their forrn; further forms will be sent on
clients, nor can ir supply informa- request.
tion as to the scales of charges of
There may be a delay of some
such agents or offer any opinion of
weeks before searches can be under-
the probable cost of any particular taken and the resuIts notified to Lhe
search undertaken by them.
Alternatively, the Public Record
Office is prepared to search for the
entry relating to a particular house- Cerna Retum Ireland - From
hold at a particular address in any 1861 to 1891 these were not
one of these Returns at a fee of
preserved and most earlier returns
£3 Os. Od. (£3 5s. Od. for corres- were lost in the destruction of the
pondent~ overseas) for each such Four Courts during the civil wars.
search, and. if the search is success- The few surviving Returns are kept
ful, to supply a copy of the entry at the Public Record Office of Ire-
or particulars of the information land. Four Courts, Dublin.
therein contained.
Returns are arranged by enum- Census Returns Scotland - Are kept
eration districts and no search can at the General Register Office, New
be undertaken unless the village, or, Register Wouse, Edinburgh 2.
in the case of towns. the district
and street, where the household was CeyIon - The originai registers of
living at the the of the Census. can general and MosIem births, mar-
be supplied. There are no street riages and deaths, and both original
indexes to some towns. some and duplicate registers of Kandyan
Returns are missing or defective marriages are deposited, when com-
and some households were not at plete, in the custody of the Provin-
home on the Census days. There cial Registers. The duplicate regis-
can, therefore, be no guaraiztee fhar ters of general and Moslem births,
the required enfry will be locared, marriages and deaîhs are iled with
and the Public Record Office wiIl the Registrar General. Kandyan
retain the fee when a search has registrations date from 1859. others
been made even tiiough it has pro- from 1867. Some additional records
duced no positive resuIts. The Pub- prior to civil registration are also
lic Record Office reserves the right available in the Registrar General's
to decline searches where insuffi- Ofice, Colombo. These are: