Page 136 - My FlipBook
P. 136
possible to discover his regirnent men discharged or dead, his trade,
from the Station Returns (W.0.17), and his date of enlistment. Before
which show where particular regi- 1883 this sometimes provides the
ments were stationed during any only means of discovering the birth-
particular year. Once his regirnent is place of a man not discharged to
known, the best sources for tracing pension. By tracing him back
a soldier's record are as follows:
Documents be possible to find his age shown
(W.0.97). These date back to 1756- on the day of enlistment as a recruit.
N.B.: Few W.O. classes quoted
Among other service records they
contain the ' Discharge Certificates '.
above are in thenselves complete.
Up to the year 1883 the Certificates
The periods of time to which they
of soldiers ' discharged to pension '
refer can only be ascertained by
were kept separately from those dis-
reference to the lists and indexes
of War Office classes.
charged for other reasons, such as
Birth-places of soldiers may be
' lirnitcd engagements ' or ' dis-
charges by purchase'. After 1883 found in the following series in
al1 discharge certificates are pre- War Office classes,
served in one group. The records
Descripfion Boolcs (W.0.251266-
of soldiers who died whilst serving,
and thus never received discharge
Royal Artillery, Royal Engi-
neers (W.0.54/260-316); W.0.
certificates, together with those who
were not pensioned, were accident-
Royal Irish Artillery 1756-1774
ally destroyed by fire many years
(W.0.69 1620)
Depot Description Books (W.O.
Al1 discharge certificates, except
671 1-34)
for a few of the earliest, record the
place of the soldier's birth and his
Casualty Reirtrns (W.0.2511359-
age on the date of enlistrnent. After
2410. 3251-3472. Ind: 7860-
1883, details of the next-of-kin, wife
Royal Artillery, Royal Engi-
and children are sometirnes given.
Pay Lists and Muster Rolls. These
neers (W.0.54/317-337)
form an extremely comprehensive
Chelsea Hospiral Pension Regis-
fers From 1715 (W.0.116/
series dating from 1760 and are ver-
1 - 151: W.0.117/1 - 70; W.O.
useful for establisIiing the dates of
a soldier's enlistment, and his move-
Foreign Regiments (W.0.1221
rnents throughout the world. and of
his discharge or deatIi. They are through the Musrer Books it may
arranged by regiments in volumes, Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dub-
each covering a period of 12 months. lin - Pemion Regislers
There are separate classes dealing (W.O.i18/1-43; W.O.I19/1-70)
with Royal Artillery (W.0.10). Reg~ilar Soldiers Documents, from
Royal Engineers (W.O.11) Cavalry. about 1760 to 1900 (W.0.971
Guards and Line Regiments (W.O. 1-4231)
12), and Yeomanry, MiIitia and Before 1883 the documents
Volunteers (W.0.13). refer to pensioners only. Others
In many of these volumes a form which were kept separately -
showing ' Men becoming Non-Effec- were eventuaiiy destroyed by
tive' will be found at the end of Eire.
each quarter. Where this exists. it
should show the birth-place of the Royal Artillery Records of Ser-