Page 112 - My FlipBook
P. 112
Scimitar -: A cumed sword with a ' Cadency'. The Stodart System is
Made wider towards the end.
Scrog - The branch of a tree.
Scrope - Grosvenor Controversy -
See Grosvenor.
Sea-dog - A talbot-Iike dog with a
dorsal fin and webbed feet.
Se.-horse - Has the fore part of a
herse conjoined to a fish's tail.
Sea-Iion - Found in both natural
and Heraldic forms.
Seals - A great deal of information
with regard to early Heraldry has
been obtained from the old seals. In
earl~ da~s few Knights and Noble-
Scintillant - Sparkling or throwing
men were able to write and it there-
off sparks.
fore becarne the custorn to seal
fkottish Heraldry - In Scotland the documents instead of signing them.
Heraldic system is somewhat differ- As soon as Heraldry became popu-
ent from that in England. The Scot- lar seals generally consisted of the
tish Heraldic authority is Lord Lyon Knight concerned on Iiorse back,
King of Arms who as a High Oficer arrned capà-pie and displaying his
of State, has complete control over shield on which were his armorial
al1 matters pertaining to Heraldry. bearings.
Under Lord Lyon there are six
It is also thought by some that
the origin of the supporters dates
OFFicers of Arms (q.v.).
Tn Scotland armorial bearings back to the early seal makers who
only pass by right from father to may have found it necessary to fil1
eldest son; a11 younger sons being a blank space on the reverse side of
required to matriculate at Lyon the shield with something realistic
Office to receive appropriate differ- to support the shield.
ences. (1) Scimitar (2) Seax is based on the chart on page 104.
Sem - A scirnitar-ljke weapon dat-
Scottish System of Diereocing - ing back to the Saxon era distin-
When a younger son in Scotland guishable by a notch eut in the
establishes an independent position back of the blade.
or marries he must matriculate the
parental arms with an appropriate Segreant - An expression meaning
difference usually based on what is rampant when applied to the gry-
known as the ' Stodart System ', and phon or dragon.
he then abandons any temporary
differences he had used previously. Sejant - Seated. The position of a
The temporary dinerences are lion sejant differs from that of a
sirnilar lo those used in Englisli squirrel sejant. The fore paws of
Heraldry which may be seen under the latter being raised and the lion