Page 90 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 90
Mrvined - An expression used of ao
Should her husband pre-decease
animal having the lower parts of a her she will then, as a widow, bear
ha paternal anns on a Iozenge.
Maiqoess - The second rank in the Marshaïkg - 1s the art of arrang-
peerage of England being beIow a ing several coats of arms on one
Duke but above an Earl. The iîrst shield generally for the purpose of
marquas was created by King denoting the alliances of a family.
Richard II in 1386.
The system is divided into two
Manied Women - A married
1. Temporary and non-hereditary
woman. through the right of cour- combinations such as the hpale-
tesy, may bear on a shield her ment of arms of husband and wife
paternal arms impaled with those of
and the impalernent of personal
her husband. If her husband is non- arms with those of an office.
armigerous she continues to use her
2. The permanent and hereditary
paternal arms only borne upon a combination of arms as in the case
lozenge as was ber right before mu- where a man marries an heiress and
his issue who succeed to the arms
Shouid she happen to be an of thejr mother as well as their
heiress she bears her arms impaled father.
with those of her husband during
The system can best be shown by
the lifetime of her father and, on means of a simple diagarn as
her father's death, her paternal anns f ollows:
are borne on an inescutcheon of
The diagram shows the principle
pretence which is placed in the of Marshalling tl~e Ams of husband
centre of her husband's bearings.