Page 80 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 80
or faIcon. They may be borne
fiotant or vervelled.
Jupon - A shortened form of sur-
coat, approximately thigh length,
which replaced the original form
Jack - The common or slang name which hung below the knees.
for the Union Flag of England.
Savelin - A short spear or dart with
a barbed head.
Jelloped - An expression used to
describe the comb and wattle of a Key - A very cornmon charge in
cock when of a tincture different the bearings of Sees and Religious
from its body.
Jessant - Sprouting as for plants Rings of Arms - The Senior Oficers
of Arms (q.~.).
from the earth.
Jessaot-de-lis - An expression used Kintyre Pursuivant - One of the
generally in conneciion with a Scottish Oficers of Arms (q.v.).
leopard who has the lower half of a
fleur-de-lis protruding from his Kite - A bird used as a charge,
sometimes blazoned as buzzard.
KN&~ - A title of honour derived
from the Anglo-saxon age. Origin-
ally referred to those who attended
Kings upon horse-back as can be
seen by their name in many other
A boy who was destined to
become a Knight was generally
placed in the hoiisehold of some
Nobleman at the age of about six
years. He spent the early part of his
life wih the women folk Iearning
simple household duties. Soon lie
\vas given a pony on which he learnt
v to ride and generally how to look
after it. Later he became a Page and
waited upon his Lord at table,
Leopard's face jessant-de-lis
looked after his amour and
weapons and generally learnt to be
rnouth like a tongue and the upper useful. At this time too, much of
part issuing from the top of his his time was spent in Iearning how
head. to use hjs various weapons and in
familiarising himself wicb the laws
Jesses - The thongs by which bells of chivalry.
are fastened to the legs of a hawk The next step was to make him