Page 72 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 72

generally  known  by  that  of  the
                                                               Order  of  the  Garter  surrounding
                                                               the  Royal  Arms  since  the  time  of
                                                               Henry  VI.
                                                               Garter,  Order  of  -  The  Senior
                              Gadfly - The Heraldic name for the  British  Order  of Chivalry  instituted
                                                               by  King  Edward  III.
                              horse  fly  which  has  beea  used  on
                              occasions  as a  charge.
                                                               Garter,  Principal  King  of  Anns  -
                                                               The Senior Oficer of  Ams (q.v.).
                              Galley - See  lyrnphad.
                              Gamadion -The  swastika  or  fylfot  Gate, Gateway - A towered and em-
                                                               battled  portway  similar  to  a  castle
                                                               but in  order to emphasise the nature
                                                               of  the  charge  the  gate  itself  is
                              Gamb - The leg of  a beast.
                                                               depicted  considerably  larger  in  size
                              Gamecock  - Similar  to  the  farm  than  is the case with  a castle.
                              yard  rooster  but  has  his  comb  cut
                              and  his  spurs  strengthened  for
                              Garb - A  sheaf  of  corn.
                                                                             G ates
                              Gardant  - An  expression  used  to  Gauntlet - A glove of  mail  or  plate
                              denote  that  an  animal  has  his  face  frequently  used  as part  of  a  charge
                              turned  towards  the  viewer.    or  crest.  An  arm  said  to  be  vam-
                                                               braced  does  not  automatically
                              Garlaod - See Chaplet.           include  the  gauntlet  unIess  specific-
                                                               aHy  stated.
                              Garnished  -  Appropriately  orna-
                              mented.                          Gem Ring - A  gold circlet set with
                                                               a  single jewel.
                              Garter - A  strap of  ribbon  secured
                              with a buckle arranged so as to form  Gemelles  - An  expression  used  in
                              a circle with the end pendent. Occa-  conjunction  wirh  the  bar  to  denote
                              sionaily  us&  as a  charge but  more  a pair of  narrow barrulets or dosets.
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