Page 264 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 264
avoid riding on to the stakes. These Alfred, who was also his grand-
wounded their horses and unseated father.
the riders who were quickly des-
patched by the English axemen.
This continued with a mounting
pile of dead and wounded bodies in
front of the stakes until the French
had completely lost heart and fled.
The casualties were estimated at
over 10,000 Frenchrnen and under BaIdwia of Fianders 1058-1118 -
1,000 EngIishmen.
The first titular King of Jerusalem.
Tt is interesting that shortly after During the first Crusade 1096-1100,
the battle Henry V knighted a which was the only successful cm-
number of his followers and con- sading expedition, Antioch was
firmed the armoria1 bearings of al1 captured after an eight month siege
those who had borne them during in 1098, and the Holy city was cap-
the battle.
tured in the summer of the follow-
ing year. Godfrey de Bouillon was
Annonrer's Company - One of the in reality the first Christian King
earlier craft guilds of the city of of Jerusalem but he refused to
London whicli is believed to have accept a crown and merely retained
been established at the beginning the titie of Count. However, on his
of the 14th century and which was death in 1100, Baldwin succeeded
given its original charter by Henry him as a properly crowned King.
VI in 1453. During the years a
nurnber of allied crafrs were incor- Balista - A siege engine which
porated with the company including looked something like a giant cross
the Heaumers (who made helmets). bow worked by tension. Ir could
the Garnishers and Repairers and project Stones against defences but
the Bladesmiths. More recently it was more often used to hurl great
was amalgamated with the Braziers metal shafts and bolts, which were
and it survives today under the frequently combined with incendiary
name of tlie Worshipful Company material, with tlie object of setting
of Armourers and Braziers. Xts ear- fire to the area besieged.
lier surviving record, dated 1413.
shows that the company had the Bannem, Standaràs, Guidons and
right to examine any weapon or Colours - Standards and ensigns go
armour offered for sale in the city back to the very earliest days and
of London and if it reached the they are referred to in numerous
required standard of workmanship books of the Bible. InitiaIly intro-
it would be stamped with their duced as ernblems of a tribal chief,
official mark which was the cyphet they became objects of veneration.
' A' and a crown. As such, besides adorning the chief's
dwelling. they were carried into
AtheIstan - One of the early Kings battle where they became nor only
of the West Saxons and Mercians the rallying point of the force, bu.t
wIlo lived from 895-940. He is said one of its principal factors in the
to be the first man given the acco- maintenance of morale. So long as
lade of Knighthood by his king, the ensign or standard was flying
using a sword to confer the honour. the battle was not lost.
The King conferring the honour was During the Roman era we know