Page 222 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 222
Greek style of helmet but intro- Baldric - A bandolier type belt for
duced two additional plumes. This carrying the sword. It dates back
was discontinued during the 1st to antiquity and has its modern
counterpart in the shoulder strap of
century A.D.
an army officer's sam browne belt.
Aventail - Consisted of a tippit of
mail attached to the lower edge of Banner - There were three principal
the bascinet and hanging over the types of fiag carried during the
shoulders. It was in use about 1330. Middle Ages, the banner, the stan-
dard and the uennon. The banner
may be descriked as the principal
battle fiag. It was square or rectan-
gular in shape and bore the anns
of the Nobleman for whom it was
carried and wss always of consider-
able importance, not the least being
that it nrovided a rallying oint for
the Noblemen's retainers. One of the
principal banners of France was the
Oriflamme which was captured al.
Barbut - A barre1 type helmet with
solid cheek pieces extending round
the face but leaving a 'T' shaped
opening in front for the eyes, nose
Axe - One of the principal Knightly
and mouth. It was not attached to
weapons but always subsidiary to
the lance and sword. Manv Nobles an aventail.
in fact preferred the axe above al1
otlier weapons.
There were several types in use
at various rimes some with long
handles and some with short handles
but in every case it was essential
that perfect balance was obtained in
its structure.
Back Plate - This refers to the first
and subsequent rigid defence Bard - A general terrn used to
designed to cover the back in a cover both the arrnour and trap-
sirnilar rnanner to the breastplate pings of a horse. The earliest forni
covering tlie chest. of bard consisted of mail covering
over the head, neck and body down
Back Sword - A single-edged sword. Io below the stomach. In addition