Page 22 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 22

these  augmentations  took  the  form  given after  the Battle of  Flociden, in
                               of  an  additional  quarter  added  to  which the King of  Scotland  met  his
                               the  armorial  bearings  and  which  death. The Earl of  Surrey who later
                               becarne an integral part of  them. At  becarne  Duke  of  Norfolk  and  who
                               other tirnes they consisted merely of  led  the English  forces in this  battle,
                               an  additional  charge  or  group  of
                                                                received  as  augmentation  an  escut-
                               charges  which  were  added  to  the  chan  charged  with  a  demi-lion
                                                                pierced  in  the mouth with an arrow
                                 Examples  of  additional  quarters  witbin  a  double  tressure  flory
                               being  added  to  the  arms  can  very  counter  fiory.  This  was,  of  course,
                               easily be seen amongst the wives  of  virtually  taken  from  the  Scottisli
                               Henry  VDI.  For  example,  when  arms.
                               Anne  Bullen  becarne  Marchioness
                                                                  John  Churchill,  first  and  most
                               of  Pembroke,  immediately  prior  to  farnous  Duke  of
                               her marriage to the King, he granted  wbose  military  achievement  saved
                               her  three  additional  quarters  as  Europe.  was awarded  an augmenta-
                               augmentations.  These were:  1. Eng-  tion  consisting  of  an  escutcheon
                               land  with  a  label  of  three  points  argent charged  with the cross of  St.
                               azure charged  on each point with as  George  thereon  another  azurc  with
                               niany fleurs-de-lis Or (for Lancaster).  three  fleurs-de-lis Or. This  addition
                               2. France with a label of  three points  was  placed  on  the  palar  line in  the
                               gules  (for  Angoulême).  3.  Gules  a  chief  of  his  quartered  shield  and
                               lion passant gardant Or (for Guinne).  today,  though  the  quarterings  have
                                 Jane  Seymour.  however,  only  changed,  the  augmentation  may  be
                               received  an  addition  of  one quarter  seen in a similar position in the arrns
                               which  was  Or six  fleurs-de-lis sable  of  the  10th  Duke  of  Marlborough
                               iwo, two and  fwo a pile  gules  rhere-  whose  second  cousin  Sir  Winstan
                               on  three  lions  passant  gardan!  in  Churchill  K.G. bore the same arnis.
                               pale  Or.
                                                                  The  human  heart  so  well  known
                                 Henry had  no use whatsoever  for  in  the  arms  of  Dougias  is  an  aug-
                               his  fourth  wife,  Anne  of  Cleeves,  mentation  commemorating  his  stal-
                               and she did not  survive long enough  wart attempt to corry out the wishes
                               for an augmentation  even to be con-  of  King Bruce that on his death his
                                                                heart  should  be  carried  to  the Holy
                                 Katherine  Howard,  possibly  as  a  Sepulchre.
                                                                  During the time of  Cromwell bolh
                               result  of  Henry's  relief  at being  rid
                               of  Anne, was granted  two additional  Charles  1 and  Charles  11  had
                               quarters. These were : 1. Azure three  nothing  else  to  bestow  on  loyal
                               fleurs-de-lis in  pale  Or between  two  friends  and  a  few  such  augrnenta-
                               fiaunches etmine each charged  with  tions are well worth recording.
                               a  rose  gules  barbed  and  seeded   At  the  battIe  of  Naseby  after
                               proper.  2.  Azure  Iwo  lions  passant   Edward  Lake  had  been  wounded
                               gardant  Or between four  demi peurs-  sixteen  times  and  with  his  left  arni
                               de-lis of the last.              useIess he fought on with his reigns
                                 Katherine Parr received  one  such  gripped  in  his  teeth.  His  fat was
                               coat  as  follows:  Or  on  a  pile   recognised by  a quarter of  augrnen-
                               between  six  roses  argent.     talion  gules  a dexfer mm ernbowed
                                 There  are  many  cases  of  addi-  in  armour  holding  in  the  hand  a
                               tional  charges etc.  being given. Per-  sword  erect  al1  proper  thete  fo
                               haps  the  most  famous  being  that  afaed  a banner argent charged wirh
                               known as the Howard  augmentation  a cross befween sixreen escutcheons
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