Page 203 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 203
3. The Dynastic Section. These Grfitlis son of Morgan son of
contain many genuine names and Rhys. In this way the Welshman
simple pedigrees go back as far as recited his pedigree through a num-
the sixth century and represent a ber of generations, every time he
number of old traditions. Those in gave his name.
For those people who are lucky
this category from the ninth en-
tury to 1284 are comparatively enough to be able to get hold of the
last definitive edition (1952) of
4. The Bonheddig Section. These ' Burkes Landed Gentry ' theie is
cover a wide range of princes, lords a very careful account of Welsli
and lesser families from the perjod genealogy written by Major Francis
of A.D. 900 to A.D. 1200 and are Jones, one of the leading Welsh
also generally accurate. It is from scholars of the present age.
this group that the majority of the
Great changes were produced in
Welsh aristocratie families emanate Wales during the time of Henry
VI11 and it was at this the that
Between 1284 and 1542, when the Welsh were made aware of the
Henry VI11 imposed a new admin- College of Arms through the
istrative system on Wales, the sys- medium of Visitations and the great
tem remained virtually the same, interest which the English Heralds
but was probably a little more took generalIy in Welsh pedigrees,
and it is interesting to note in this
efficiently carried out.
From 1542 up to 1837 Welsh connection that a number of Welsh-
records may be compared with men
those in England. In other words, Heralds,
There js a most important collec-
records of births, marriages, and
deaths, or perhaps it wouId be more tion of manuscripts available for
correct to Say baptisms, marriages the genealogist in the National
and burials will be found in the Library of Wales of which the
ecclesiastic parish records. In the address is:
earlier days they were badly kept
but as time went on the general
The National Library of Wales,
efficiency improved.
From 1837 al1 WeIsh records of
rhis nature are available in Somer-
set House.
This is one of the libraries founded
Before dealing with the research by Royal Charter, granted in 1907
into a Welsh family it is necessary and Iike that of the British Museum
to have some idea with regard to it is entitled amongst other things
Welsh surnames. For example: to receive a copy of al1 books
When surnames were first adopted printed in Britain.
by the Welsh. which was rather later There are many collections of
than in England, many of them manuscripts of the older Welsh
took the English counterpart of their families and for those who think
Christian names, thus John became their family might be amongst
Jones. William became Williams, them a letter to the library js an
Hugh became Hughes etc. Prior to advisable move.
this the Welsh had used a system of Other places where useful
names sornething after this style. material can be found are the
John ap Graths ap Morgan ap Bangor University College Library,
Rhys. In other words, John son of the Cardiff Public Library, the Bod-