Page 182 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 182

1st   records   (and   State  July   County   where   1st   records   write   cily   birth   write   or   1st   Covhgton

                                          since   For   date   since Ist   to   place   since   For   date   where   occurred.   date,   Clerk in   birth   since   and for   1911 write to   Dept.

                                          records   1915.   that   of   copies   1915) write   of  birth or death occurred.   Has records   1907.   that  to Health Officer of   county   death   Has records since   1st July 1880.   Has records since 1st  July 1911. For records   that   County   county  occurrd.  where   records   1,   191  LouisviTIe before îhat  date. Tf birth or death   in   Health

                                          Has   July   before   for   Records   Clerk   Oct.   before   or   or   before   to   death   Has   Jan.   osmcd   before   City

                                                                   of   Michi-   7,                        and

                                          Statistics,   Public   of   Spring£ieId,   1330 W.   Indianopolis   Vital Statistics,   Health.   of   19, Iowa   Vital Statistics,   Health,   Records

                                          of                    Division of Vital  Records, State Board   St.   Moines   State Board of   Kansas   of  Statistics, State Dept. of  Health, 275 East Main  St. FrMort, Kentucky
                                          Bureau   Illinois Dept   Health,   Illinois   Health,   gan,   Ind .   Div. of   Sîate Dept.   Des   of   Div.   Topeka,   Bureau

                                                                Indiana          Iowa      Kansas           Kentucky
   177   178   179   180   181   182   183   184   185   186   187