Page 188 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 188

170                   INSTRUC1'ION-EDUCATTON

          ~urv('illance d'un conseil d'nreh"wéques ct  :-1eminury :l.nd n ccru~in nunl!wr uf Iny pro-
          d'6vî:quco présidé par l'archevêque Je Qué-  fe~' ors, under t.he supervision of the eouucil
          bec, 1111ministre l'Université Laval.  Celle  of archbishops and bi;,hJps presided over by
          de Montréal s'administrc [ln!' un COIH<cil des  the Arebbisbup of Quebcc.  Montreal U ni-
          gouverueurs, une commisHiou des études et  versity is a.t1ministered by f,. Board of Gov-
                                               crnors, a ()ommittec on st,udies /lori
          un comité exécutif.  I~'Univcrsilé McGill                             1.111
                                               executive commit,te<:.  McCill University i~
          est nJmini~trée par des syndics élus confur-
                                               [l.dmini~tered by ll'UStOC8 in I1ccordl~nee with
          mément. h .':1. chàl'le; elle est o.fliliée aux
                                               its churlRr; it is I1ffilil1ted to the universil.ies
          universités d'Oxford, de Cambridge ct df'
                                               of Oxford, Cnmbridll:c and Dublin.  Hishop's
          Dublin.  L'univer~ité Bishop's Collego est.
                                               College Universit.y iR under l,he direction of
          80U8 la direction de 1'1î:~lise anp;licnlw,  L,'
                                               t1w Church of Englund. Sir George Willinll1l'
          Sir George Williams Collegc a obtenu  Sf1
                                               CollegB wns granted IL university chnrtcr 011
          charte d'université It' 11 mars 19M3.  00  Murch the lHh, 1948,  A ~ix(.h univert:tity
          peut dès rnnintcnant signùler ln fondation  hlLs recently eomo into büing.  011 March
          d'une sixi1lme Ull ivcrsiUi, (Jldlt' de Sherbrool«"  5t.h, HlM., t.he University of Shcrbrookr W/l~
          qui Il reçu sa chnrt.e civile I,e 5 mars 1954.  grnnted ils r.ivil ehl1rter.
              20- Chlulficatlon, par faculté., d •• étudiant. lna.crita dan. 1•• unl".ralth
            20-CI...lficaUon, by Facult1ea, of th. Stud.nta enroll.d at th. Unl".raltl••
                     Théo-      et. cbirurgic Philooo-    !
            ANN~ES    lol(ie  Droit  dent~lro  phie  LeHre.  SoiunC05  éeolco
              -       -     -      -     -      -      -     Arl>o   (1)    Tot~1
            YEARB    TheD-  Law  Medecinc  Phil.,.o·  LeU",...  Boicnf~e  Other
                      IOll),      and    ph)'                      ochoolo
          11l37·38.........  517  2H  611  08   268    197  3.802   15. Iii  20,065
          1042-43 ....... , .  4<l8  (Go!  706  07  t)58  OO?  3 ,043  13.340  11l.071
          IIl43-44 .........  5.3<l  151  870  101  078  87~      2)  0,R28  2) (7,186
          1944~I.S.........  650  IDll  1160  328  73-1  Il Hl  " .066  Il. t:l9  10,1l26
          li}i6-46.........  MO  210  1,046  418  004  927 ,  4.258  12.2(;8  20,020
          1().16-47....... , .  500  3.38  1,176  353  B05  I,ooa  4.686  12,~&I  22,026
          1047·48....... , .  000  382  1.272  339  1.2011  970  5,009  13,504  23,444
          19'18-40.........  77f}  4.00  1,408  3~6  1.230  0611  5.413  10.7Jl  21.281
          1049'00.........  763  422  1,373  3::!2  1.066  9611  5,1aO  10.867  21,232
          1050·.';1. ........  683  416  1,352  335  M5  881\  6,108  12.646  ZJ.300
          1051-[.2...... _..  642  5Q.1  1.378  241  936  801;  6,822  12,203  23.622
          1052-63....... , .  637  526  1.·122  215  971l  038  6,671  13,450  24,743
          11l53-54 ....... , .  5-16  008  1,300  293  860  1.064  6.030  14.901  26.,390
          10&l-M. .......  700  643  1,288  300  713  1.21ft  7.100  15.757  27.807
          1037·38.........  9  54   561  .................  383  1.201  2.000  4,898
          11)·12-43.........  7  34  488  .... .....  -, '"  617  1,425  3. Jô3  6.G24
          1Il13·44 .... ... ..  1  35  483  . .......... .. .  535  1, "76  3.674  6.307
                        0    38     .376               474-  1.711   4,260   a,8ril;
          1914·41i. .. -. '"            .......... "0-·0.
          1045·10.... .....  9  100  437  . ...  ••••••••• 'o.  052  2.742  5.520  9,700
          10·16-47.... ....  8  160  577  ......... ........  1.401  3.071  7,531  12.8.37
          11147-48.....  10  215    /107 ............. ..  1.561l  2,839  7.788  13.028
          104P-41..... , ...  28  221  765  .................  2.171  3.334  10.147  16.672
          1040·11)........ ,  35  IRO  740  ...  ........  2.237  3,41H  0.906  10 .620
                                           ...... ......
          11l00-.51. .... , .••  46  J81  150  '"     1.85·1  3,075  9.718  16.632
          1061·52.........  17  108  743  ..............  1.743  2.891  10.981  16,600
          1062·'0:1. ........  11  221  728  .. " . .......  1,897  2.670  ll.307  18.964
          1053·54.. ......  31  240  741  \' ......... ...  l ,0~8  2,731  12.008  17.752
          1054·56.........  17  215  570  .... . .... . ... . ..  2,086  2.802  12.328  18.048
          1037·38....... ..  520.  ~O5  1,172  98  268  680  6,J83  17.741  25,863
          1043-43 ... , . , . ..  476  198  1,284  118  558  1.110  S.3n8  16.S02  25.601
          1043-1·1 ..... , ...  534  186  1.350  1111  Gi8  1.411  5.a;l2  2) 13.:;02  2) 23,493
          10,14-45.........  Mil  237  1,3:16  328  734  1.390  0.81:3  15,381l  26,783
          1045-46 ........  lH:iU  840  1.182  4.18  004  1,870  7.000  17.71l7  30.3ù8
          1916-47........  .~O8  407  1.753  353  ~\Iô  2.494  7.767  20,515  34.8B2
          IOH-48.. , ......  VIO  507  1,870  839  1,20ù  2,539  7,1l38  21,31;2  36,472
          1048.40......"...  80·~  621  2,173  335  1.230  3.146  8,777  20.lW~  37.963
          1049·~0.........  788  602  2,1 \Il  322  1.06(\  3,206  8,876  20,773  37.762
          19/j0·5L ........  728  626  2.1 Il  335  8r,5  2,740  0,183  22,363  38.941
          11l51-52.. , ......  680  701  2.121  244  fl:Hj  2.038  6.713  23.187  40.228
          1052·63.........  678  740  2,150  215  97\1  2.8ilr,  0,2,17  24,847  11.007
          10,0;3-(>4.........  6ijO  848  2.047  293  800  3,062  0,3vl  ~~:~g~  14,14'2
          1054-55.........  747  858  1.858  :"\00  743  3.302  9.002       45.856
           (1) RtlPll,Li. llllpllrnvnn~ entre \e8 "OlCno... m~dicl\l~s.  (1) Previollsly dividad bo!\Veon medioal .oience. arla
          lea arl.~ oL lue ecicnccs,           and npplied sci('no .
           (2) Voir Dote (2), poge 171. t.n.bleall 22.  (2) Soo root.-nol.(," (2), 1'0"'0 171. lublc 22.
   183   184   185   186   187   188   189   190   191   192   193