Page 207 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 207
l':.\'.~I': ION I!:M b'N,/, SU pERIEUR-SUPERIOU B VUCA 7' faN 189
~L1rveilll\ncc d'un cOIl~eil d'fLrchevÎ' ILies cl, !tIld of u ecl'l,ui n nu mhcr of hl y profcssors.
c1'évêques prusid(\ pllr l'archevêque de qué- under the sUpl'rvi~ion nf t.he cuunoil of
hee, l1t!mini,t]'l' l'Univcrsité Laval. Celle cil' >ll'chhishups aud hishofls presided over by
Montréal s'adll1illi~tre pnr lIlI Conseil d(~s Lhe Archui"bup or Qu(,hr.c. .\Jont.rea.1 Univer-
sit.y is lldminister"d],y Il Hourd or Guvt'rnors,
p;uuVeI'llCUrH, une commission clos études cl.
IL (;1)1l1Jflillo" on sludie's I.LlId un cxecoLivt'
un cumité cxécul.if. L'Université Mr.Gill
cu III mi 1,.1.('e. l\'lcGill Univnl'sity is ndminis-
t'l:IL adminisLrée Il,,r des syndics élus confor-
t,cree! l,y trU:i(,N'S ill nccordnncl' with iLs
méruent 1\ su ('Ilurtp; elle 'st ul'filiée ;IUX
chnrtN; it, is d'filiutell 1.0 the' univ'ol'oitics of
universiCés ,l'(hfcrrd, <1r' 'llmhri(h~f' .. t cie·'
Oxford, Clllld"'idfÇc lInd Dublin. nishup's
Dublin. L'université lJi~bop's CullnJ-l:l: esl
Collegu Vnivl'rsity is Ilnder th" dirr.ùLion of
sous lu c1.irection cle l'f;gli~c IInglicll110. Le lhe Chul'ch uf EnKlttnd. Sir G(~nrge WillilLl)l~
Sir George Williall1s Colll'J-(f' a obtl'Ilu ,a Collej!;o ,,"aH gnll1lecl a univel'sity chllfter on
charte d'université le 1.1 mars H14 '. On M,nl'h tll(> j 11..11, Hl48. A HixLh univcl':5ity
IJeul dès mainl.üllllilt. signo.1Pr la fonrlllLion hl'R reeentl..... l'orne into ueing. On Mill"C.,h
d'Ulll' sixi me univen;it.é, l'cllr' ciro f'horbrool,,·, 5t,h, 1954, the lJnive;1'5it.y of Sherbrooke WILH
qui ft reçu sn chltrtc civilo ,Il' !j rnnrs U)5·1. gro.nted ils ci vil cllflrt.el'.
18-Cla..lfication. par faculti•• , de. étudianh In.crita dan. le. unlveralt'.
IB-CI...lfication. by Facultlea, of the Studenh enroll.d at the Unlveraltl••
Thdo- et ch i III rgic Phi1080- Autrctf
ANNl1:ES logie Droit dentairo phio Lettres Soil'Hees al,oles
Art. (1) ToLo.)
YEAR 'J'heo· Law Mcdflcino Philo.D- I..,tte,. Scücnco Otl,er
1010' o.ncl phy ~chooJ:'\
1037-38. '" ... 1;17 211 fil 1 \J8 21J8 l07 :1,892 IG.141 20,9111;
1042-13..... ' ... 4118 104 71)(1 97 558 (\02 3.943 l:l.31~ 19,1l77
1913-11 .... Gao llit 876 101 678 87<; 1.0S(j 2) Il.828 2) 17.1811
1944·45. MO 1110 000 328 734 HW 5.0no 11.1:19 III ,025
1015-40 560 2'19 1,046 418 fJ04 1127 4.268 12.268 20,O2\!
104(1-47.: :.. .... 500 3a8 1.176 3.S3 8\)1\ I.ooa 4.1180 1<l,II&! 22.02(•
l!147-48..... , .. flOIl 382 1 1 272 :l311 1.201) 070 5.mlll 13.5tl4 23 .441
1918-49...... , .. 776 400 1.,108 335 1,239 1160 li .4'13 10.711 21,281
1940-50......... 753 422· 1.373 322 1.066 0611 5,4110 10,867 21.232
Hl50-li!.. ....... 683 145 1,a!)2 a:jij 8M 886 1\,108 12.045 23.309
11l51-52... .. 642 503 1,378 2-14 0:l5 895 6,822 12.203 23,522
10r,2-1i3......... 687 525 1,,122 215 07\.1 \J;)8 (l,1i77 13,1,10 2'1,743
1953-54......... 63r. 008 1,300 203 800 1.064 0.1;30 11.\10'\ 26,390
11137-38...... 0 51 r,61 .. .. ... . ... :J83 1,201 2.600 4.808
1f142-43...... , .. 7 34 1BR .. ...... .... 517 1.425 3.153 fj,t,2~
11I1:l·44 ......... 1 35 4H:l ... , .. .... ... fjBo l.ii76 a .671 6,807
1044-15......... n 38 :J7ll .. .. , ... . .. 47'1 l,71'\ 4, ~!.jO 6,858
1~4ii-10......... 0 100 4.17 ..... ..... 052 2,742 5,520 0.760
10411-47 ...... .. Il 15n 677 .. ........... .. 1,401 3.071 7 ,f,:U 12. a7
1947-48. 10 21}) fl07 ... .... ' .. 1.060 2,8BO 7,71;8 13,028
1048-49..... .. 28 221 71;;-, ... ... . ... 2,177 3.334 ID, H7 16,1172
IO'19-M... 3r. IRQ 7-111 .... ... 2,2:l7 3,111\ Il,906 10, :;:J()
10iio-fiI. . 4f> 181 7;-~H ..... ..... ." 1.86'1 a,075 0,7l8 15,(;:j~
1051-,,2.... , ... ' 47 198 743 '" ." .. 1,74:l 2.801 10.084 16,606
1062-53 ......... 'II 221 728 .... , . .... .. 1.807 2,670 11 .307 Ig,951
1053-501 ......... :34 2'10 741 .... ............ 1.908 2. ?:lI 12,008 17,752
HI37-38 ........ 526 295 1.172 08 268 580 fi. 183 17.741 25.863
104~-43... " .... 475 198 t.284 98 558 1. 1)0 5,308 10.502 25,601
1943-44.. " .. , .. 534 186 1. 3/j0 Hll 678 1.411 ".632 2) 13,602 2) 23,193
1041-15, . ..... .. 556 237 1. 336 328 734 l,:lI!O 6.8l3 15,380 26.783
10'15-46..... , ... 500 349 1,,182 0\18 004 1.870 7,(X)0 17.7!)7 :JO. 398
1046-'17......... 598 107 1.753 .353 805 2A~)4 7,7&7 20,.,11i 34.8ll2
1947-48..... , ... 619 507 1,879 ;j:m l,20') :J,fi3!) 7,9:18 21,3;;2 36,472
1948-40... " .... 80-1 021 2,173 335 1.230 3.HO 8,777 20, S.~8 37,063
l!HO-50......... 788 002 2,1 HI 322 1,061\ 3,200 8,876 20,773 :17.752
1060-51. ........ 728 626 2, J Il 335 855 2,710 o.lAi! 22 .:~fl:J 38,041
10,~1·52......... 6811 701 2,121 244 936 2.638 Il.713 23,187 40.228
1052-5:1. ........ 678 746 2,150 215 070 2.835 0,2017 24.847 4l,Il97
1D53-54 ......... 6QO 848 2,047 293 BOO 8.062 0.36l 27,002 14,HZ
(1) R~pnrti. "Upl1rl"'ùllt entro los science. médicales, (1) dividcd betwccn mediclI.l soieoce, art.
h.\~ n.rt'!::I ct 10s, sciences. It,ud u.ppHod 8Cinnce.
(2) Voir not<> (2), pllge 190, tnblell.u 20. (2) S'o foot-notc (2), pl\~C 100, tnbl" 20.