Page 113 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 113

OCCU?AT IONS                             9.5

        46-Personll, 14 Yeara of Age and Over, of British and French Origina, in  the
                   Labour Force by Selected Occupations and Sex, for the
                       Province of Quebec, 1941 and 1951-(Cunclud(·d)

           104 1 (1)                                 1 !l & l
           BritnnniCJue  ~1·m.nçrLi8d                BrjtanniqllG  Fnm('ui c
                                        ToLo' (2)                            No.
            Briti.<h      li'ranch                    Brili..,.h    French
                                              --  -_._-  ----
          M.     1".    M.     F.     M.      F.    M.     F.     M.     F.
          0.277  1,127  IiG,820  :2 ,2414  101,051;  8,670  12,.~12  1.828  8u,IiGI  6.1\11  1
           2001    0     060     7    1,015    02    all2    37    ll20   1\1  2
            M            30             2.;3    2     16G     1     71     l  ;j
           100           173            51H          lai           31;0        ,1
           3;101        1. :18·\      2,233          334          1.833       ::.
           123          1,172          1 .3~0         J.~2        1. 201       (,
           735     2   5,664     0    ]:l.187  fil  J ,U~)O  15  11 .308  ~5  7
           243           503           1. 218        ni)           8,\3       8
            28            27            IHI           34            71J       \1
            117          .HI            6&2          173           4R·I       10
            58           27fi           4Ml           fI!;         303        Il
           5:W           02a ..        f ,034        i>l8         1.3·[1      12
           257           !\:l0         l,Hill        3:j'.1        795        13
           2.14        1 .07:\   1    ., ,042        J:lil        :~.RIO      14
           820     20  :1,72,\  72    4,028   260    673    ïi8  a,20:j   12.[.  If>
           135         2, L20         2,4!l1;        1-10   "8   2.201        10
           HI!     .~   L,667    7    2,302    50    )7:J        2.101    42  17
            27           .5·1    5      210    I~     ;~f>    1    146    III  L8
           J();I         60             400    oJl   1,;7    Il    200    211  I.V
           156          ) ,Di)!}       1.230          188          1183       20
           218         ;L2't6         1.3:17         2117        3,728        21
           141           31a            G7Q          '·H           492        22
           6'11        .~.437         .\ ,218  16    :127    2   3,705     1.3  23
           3H      84    877    81    1.270   507    ~O5    1.00  1,014   a7il  24
            93    !l88   1·lll  2.027   361  7,411:1  110  1.&0    2a3  25
          2.105    4   2H,HD:>  1.)   42.630   8ô   :l,~07   fi  38.:1,,8  '/7  21\
          7,120  3,072  32,34(1  13.768  !>fi, .118  :18.242  (1,070  :l,:;03  40.836  22.8U8  27
            I.~          21             28             1            10        28
           606     31   l.5H9   2ltl   l.liSI  ~oo'  1&:1    34   1.4) 5  ... '~.i7  21l
            !W      1    4fi!   13      1iû2   3fJ    18     10    41j8   28  :l0
            27           511            7.~0   24     la           4·10   :11  31
            14           100            22,\   18     .-,:~        12'1    l'")  :~2
           263    687   1,0[7  .i:li22 .  3.241)  F,,:\ 11  a.~·~  ,.36 "  2.718  4 ,.J~(i  :.13
           .530    6:1   ,100   17    2.028   302    ~'80   155     40    III  3~
          2.636  2.161  20, ,184  10 HI  26.602  21.148  2. ~31  2.415-1  22.0.\0  17.2M  3"
          1,671    ail  3.888   7U    7.u10   236   I,Rr,O   74  5,078    iii 1  :w
          1,0og    27  3,lf)l)  1i5   il.43ô   IA9  1,115    1i2  3,07:;  \l8  a7
           207     Il    .187   18    1.lIlIl  uO    303     17    712    28  .18
          7.083  Il.QH  aU.71)3  IJlL050  fo~ .814  6U,718  10.8:'v  8.324  47.600  57 ,no  3il
          4,226  Il.877  IIl.M8  68,854  37.8!iti  69,203  ~ .71il  8,11l5  28.016  1i7,377  40
            163   320  3.1101  2,477  4.028  3.181    130   24,;  3,530  2,742  11
            13           133            214     1      8           117     1  ~2
            180   '~Ô5   nT>  1.IBn   1.811  3.362   3"0  ."531   I.IM  2.557  4:1
           i,O~   063  :l.uIIO  2.771>  fi .!lM  4,838  478  472  4.a:l:,  4, llr.  H-
           il36    72    708    43    1,3,J~'  332   308    120    1170   184  ~5
          1.087    83  2,707    160   fi ,7J!'J  622  1,060  B8   ~ .30·\  510  46
            L64   2~;  1, 271  1.05&  :1.456  3.801  202    27,\  2.4\11\  3.353  ~7
           lot    ~66    6S4  1.828   1,700  ~ ,687  208    [,84  1.'.1:10  3 .(J~'I  48
           342     10    4 a    170   1.420    2.58  .:>17   15    707    2:\0  40
           615   7 . ~20  2.) 1.1  Ml. 860  3.884  35.102  4M  :l,S68  2.751  20.550  50
            72     2     a04     rj     &2(j   10     70      1    44V     0  51
           ,.:lil  .20&  2.782  3. 128  7,171  10.42'1  7aO  IJ,11  a.3fi!J  8.20.)  52
            65    178    27:i   470     357  1. <1014  !.j)  320   ~!:i'l  l ,O.)~  5:1
          2,58:1       10.170   18    25.238  201   ,'".J, h~1  02  18,207  188  f>4
           ~:i:l       1. 100         2.158          ~(17         1.84V       r)!)
          1.37:3       '1.813         S.2~5    158  " Lfl2   20  0.730   J:lll  ft}
           on      7   ~, H;8   17    n.2BI    ,,2   8;;6    13  ~,216    38  f17
           274     GO   1.076   78    1.720   '2i,4  274     67   1.317   105  58
            ~1f)   50    I~O    (:\2    397    13:J  106     31    251    87  [)~~
            ,12          22,"1          421     3     f)3     1    340     2  flfl
            .11     1    27:.    i,     308    117    45     ~O    2'17   62  01
          7.084   661  1l7.UG6  4. "Ill  100,242  7,M8  7.467  G·i5  86.18V  Il.M4  112
           6~)3   JO,)  2.765   18~   21.,IU1  ~ ,600  3,38:.  ti22  16.320  3.1l47  o;j
         (1) and (2). Se.. too].n~t.", (Il and (2). p. Ill.
         (~) Exclllriètl- "Profl~fUdllllUt" Jil~rvice.
   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118