Page 73 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 73
Dans ln. province de Québec on c01llpLe Thore are SligJltly more women than Olen
légèrement plua de femme, Que d'hommes. in the Province of Quebee. In ]941 there
En ]94] il Y avait plus d'llOmmes quo d
were mOl'e meD than women but t.he siLuation
femnwH ('et.te situation a changé au cours
changer! in th~l course of the past ten YCll.I'S.
des dix derni~res anuées.
Dans l'enaemblt, du Canado. l'exeédt>nL de III, lu Canada n.s a whole the surplus masculine
population maacmlino diminue réguliè.rMl€·nt population h/LS hoon diminisbiog regulll.,r1y
depuis ]931 mais les hommes demeurent plus
sinee l{J31, bilL men are still more numerOllS
nombreux que les fommes surtout d!lJl~ les
than wOlnen, espccially in tbe We~t(lm prO-
provinoos de l'Ouost. AbstrlJ,()tion fa.ite du
Québec, c'est en Ontario et du,ns le NOltvrou- vinces. AlllLrt from Quebee, Ontario and
Brullswic1c que l'axel'Ill'ut de Ill. population New BnlOswiùk have U.le lowest surplus male
mn.sculine est le plus faiule. population.
Depuis une vingtaine d '/Ln né('l' la population For the past t',l'Emty Yl'.&rs or so, tbe female
féminine semble s'acoroHre plu!' rapidement population seems 1,0 he inùl'easing at 0. ql1ickp.r
que la population mhle. l'Me t,LMl the male..
17-Populatlon du C.nada c1...lliée aelon le aelle, par provlncea, 1901-1951.
17-5ell Dlatrlbutlon or the Population or Canada, by Provlncea, 1901-1951.
No'.'»: l)our tOI!! recensolOcnt.s ant6rlûurls. voir Annuwre NOTX: For proVjOUH r.e·n6uses, eee YElur Book 10uO,
lllLO. [loge M. pago 54.
rn.ovINCl!iS 100l lij21 1931 1941 l051
Tcrre-N lIVO ..••••. Nowlounnland . ... 185.143
Ile-du-P.·f,;.. _ P. K1.. " '61',060 C7,069 'Ù,ilB7 C~',392 .. 'cii,228' ,,0.218
Nou\·Hlle·E(:oH.~e N. Beutin. . 233,042 261,019 200,472 263,1~ 296,OH 3201 ,90,5
N .. llrun~\\'i(~k , .•......... 168,039 179,Stl7 197,3~1 208,020 234,097 2f>!J,211
(illcl..·c . 824,464 1,012,816 1,179,661 1,4C7,320 1,672,982 2,022,127
I,OOO,OCO 1,301,272 1,481,800 1,148,844 1,021,201
Ontario ..........•.•. 'o ••••••••• 0' ••••• 2,314,170
Monilob•...... , , . 138,~04 262,9M 320,607 368,OO~ 378,070 3tH.BIS
8n."kDLdll~\Yan ............•.... 40,C31 291,730 413,700 499,036 477 ,~03 4~4,5(\B
Alborla........ .. . .. .. . . 41,019 228,792 324,20B 400,109 426,C~8 492,192
Culombio-Brit.. Bril. Columbia .. 114,160 261,619 293,400 118~,210 436,031 596,061
Yukon . 23,084 6,608 2,819 2,826 3,163 5,457
Tcrr. dll N.-Ù N. W. T . 10,176 3,360 4,204 6,012 0,700 0,053
Mutine royntc etul. .......•.... 486 .......... ........
CAN D . 2,711,70' J,m,III 4,129,143 1,114,"1 5,900,n8 7,08',113
Terre-Nell Ve ....•.. Newloulldland. 176.273
Il,,,,ùu-p.-K .... " . P. E:. \...... ...'6I',Boo C6,MO "C3',728 . Ù,046' ù,ilio' 48,211
Nouvelle.EcoHBC ... N. Scotin... 226,932 UI,310 2~7 ,306 249,742 281,918 317,(i20
N.-Brun."~ck... . . . . . . . ... . . . . ........... 102,481 172,022 190,626 199,609 223,304 2.jf)."ac,
8 uebc,c., ..... .............. 824,444 092.901 1,180,86~ 1,427,336 1,0~8,900 2 ,O:1:i .M·~4
ntono ..... ' ....................... 1,0B(),307 1,226.020 1,461,772 1.682,839 1,866,C64 2 .2H:\ .372
Manitohn ...... .. 116,707 208,440 28ij,661 832,074 8~1,06~ 381,723
Suskatchcwon ... :" :::::::::: . ............ 41.848 200,702 343,810 421,860 418,429 a07.\60 ... _..... 32.003 160.603 264,246 331,406 309,711 447,309
Colomb",·Brit .... : Î1~i1.·. ·C~)·~rnbin.... 64,407 IW,861 231,173 300,044 882,880 568,ZtH}
yukon ............... , 4,13~ 2,004 1,338 1,406 1,701 3,630
Terr\ du N.-O ..... N. w.i;.. 9,1l63 3.167 3,1l30 4,304 6,328 6,061
CANADA.••....• 2,61!1,6117 1',U4,U8 4,218,10' 1,002,241 I l ,106.11' 6,920,556
Sourco: Ge ,·eCt1UH.:menl du Cftllcdu, Vol. J. Source: 0'" Ccnd'U~ of CO'tlarla, Vol. 1.