Page 194 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 194

178                    / NSTRUCT /ON-EDUCAT ION

         nistre par un Conseil des gouverneurs. une com- Qu bec.  Montreal University is &dministerod
         mi"sion des 6tude  et un comité exécutif. by Il. Board of Governors, li. committee on
                                              'tudies and (Ln executive oommittoo.  McGill
         L'UJ)iversité McOill est administr  par do:!
                                              University is atlministol'lx! by trustec  in
         syndic élus oonform6mellt à sa chart.<>; elle
                                              aooordance \\-ith it; it is aftiliatcn
         est aff'ùiée aux univ l'sités d·Oxford. de Cam-  tu the universities or Oxford. Cambridge I1nd
         bridge et de Dublin.  Iluniv rsité Bishop's  Dublin.  BisLop's College University is under
         Collego est BOUS la dire~tion de l' fligliso angli- the dirootion of tho ChllJ'uh of England.  The
         canA.  Le Sir George Williams Collego a  il'  orge WillillilJJs ('ol1ege hn.s boon grallted
         obtenu S(\ ehart.e d'univer 'ité le 11 mars 1948. a uni\' rsity chal'ter on Mareh the lIth, 194.s.

             27-CI   lficatlon, par faculté., d ... étudiant. inscrit. dan. 1... unlvenlte..
           27-CI   lficalion, by Facultl.... of th.. Studllnt. Enrolllld at the Unlversities.
            A.NlœEB   Th6010.10  Droit  ohiruqr1e  Philo.".  LelLr..  Bo.leoo..  A.utrui
                                   dentaIre  phi.                    6"01...
              -         -     -      -      --    -      -     Art.   (l)   Total
                                   Medecine  Phil,,"<>-              OLher
             YEA.fi6  TbooloKY  Law  and   phy   Letter.  801011••   .obool"
                                   f)onLI.t ry
         1937·38..........  517  241  611    98    268    107  3.802  15,141  20,90:;
         1038-30..  ....  IBO  220    024    110   200    240  3.712  13,000  18,712
         1039-40...........  460  218  601   137   3·11   244  3.003  14,318  20,032
         1940-.41. ... , ......  492  180  676  134  357  3().(  3,708  14,610  20.560
         1941-'12... / ......  484  176  097  98   426    379  3.85  15.764  21.882
         1942-43...... .....  468  1&1  796  97    558    602  3.943  13.533  JO,977
         IOH-44 ...........  530  151  876   191   678    876  4.(J5U 2) 9. 28 2) 17. 186
         1944-.46...... .....  5  109  960   328   7:34   010  5.090 2 1'1.139 2) 19.925
         1045-46...... .....  5110  249  1.045  418  004  027  4.25S 2 12.268 2l20.62.
         194(1-47...........  500  :I~~  1,176  an3  896  1,003  4.686 2 l 12.9 4 222.025
         11/011-.48 ..........  609  :1 2  1.272  3311  1,209  970  6.099  13.51\<1 2)23.0\.44
         194~9 ...........  770  400  1,ol08  335  1,239  n09  6.443  10,711  2) ,281
         1!l49-60...........  753  422  1,373  322  1.006  1109  6,460  10 .867  21.232
         1931-3R. ..........  0  M    561 ... , ..... .... ...  3H3  1.291  2.600  4.89
         1938-30...........  12  59   517 ......... ... ......  424  1.470  2. 05  5.287
         1939-10...........  \)  .56  60  ......... .. . ......  JOB  1.386  2.657  4,984
         11140-41., ......  11  67    44  .........  ........  459  1,320  2.565  4,860
         1041-42...........  8  46       ..... .... .. ····.0 .  464  1,403  2.006  6.285
         1042-.43...........  7  34   :;; ......... .........  ,r,17  1,42r.  3.153  5,624
         19·1:1-44 ...........  4  35  483 ......... .. .......  635  1.576  3.674  6,307
         1944-45...........  6  38    376 ......... .........  174  1.714  4.250  6.858
         1045-46...... .....  9  100  437 ......... .... . ....  062  2.142  5.520  9,769
         1046·47...........  8  169   677 ......... .........  1.401  3.071  7.631  12,887
         1047-48........ ...  10  215  607 ......... .........  I,M9  2. g:lO  7.788  J3,028
         1948-49.        28    221    765 ......... .........  2.177  a.:l:l4  10.147  16,672
         1941l-50.. : : :: : : : : :  85  180  746 ......... .........  2.237  8.416  9.006  16,520
         111H7-33 ..........  526  20~  ) ,172  118  268  680  6,183  17,741  25,868
         l\loS-30...     631   2 8   1.141   110   266    670  6.182  16.871  24.060
         103'1-40...........  459  274  1.109  IF  341    712  5.049  10.875  25,016
         1940-41 ...........  603  246  1.124  1 4  357   763  6.118  17.105  25.410
         1041-42...........  4 2  222  1.161  98   426    843  6.261  18.664  27.167
         1042-43...........  475  108  1,284  98   668   1. 119  5.368  16.706  25,001
         1943·44...........  634  186  1.359  191  678   l,ül  6.032 2)13.602 2) 23,493
         194<j-l1i. ...... .. ..  550  237  1.336  328  734  1.390  6.813 21 16 ,389 21 26 ,783
         I045-4H......... ..  669  349  1. 4 2  418  904  1,879  7.000 2 17,791 230.398
         194"-4·1...... .. , .•  608  107  1.763  353  80S  2,494  7.757  2)20,.~15 2)34.862
         l\).1H-·I!I•... .....  019  1)07  2,173  339  1.200  2, f>30  7.0a8  21.352 2)30.472
         H"l!l·IlIJ..... , ...••  788  602  2.119  32~  1.00(1  3.206  8.876  20,773  37,762
          (1) Réparti..."paravant enlre 1  sciences m6dlcal••,  (1) Provioualy d.ivided betWOOD meclica.1 a.ienees, art.8
         1"" nrl~ ct , .• !}Ci"oo....         aod Ilppli  .cielloo.
          (2) Voir oote (2), page 1711.        (2) Sca /ool.-nol. (2), page 179.
   189   190   191   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199