Page 72 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 72

56                             POPULATION

           DaDS les centres ruraux, l'excédent de la po-  In the rural district", the male population
         pulation ma.sculine est de 66,568 alorsque J dans  was greatBr tban the fomale by 66,568, wh"""",
          les cités, villes et villages, il y a 52,486 femmes  in the cities, towns and villages there were
          de plus que d'hommes. En d'autres termes,  52,48timorewomenthanmen.. In ather wordB
                                               there were III men for each 100 women in the
          aD eompt.e, par 100 femmes, 111 hommes dans
                                               rural districts and only 95 men ta 100 women
          les ca.mpagnes et 95 dans les centres urb&îns.
                                               in the urban centre.'!.  As will be sean in the
          Dans les citét3, cette proportion varie, d'aprês  rollovring table, this disproportion varied from
          te tableau suivant, entre 72 et 134.  72 to 134 in the cities.
                    17-Population des cité. de la Province, classifiée selon le sexe.
                   17-Sex Distribution of the Population of Cilies of the Province.
                                                1941                  1931
                    CITIls (1)
                       -                      Hommœ   Femmes                Femmes
                    CITIES (1)          Total   -      -      Total  Hommes   -
                                               Ma.le  Female         )').fBle  Female
          Ca:p-de-lIlrMadeLeine••• , •..••••.•••. ......  11,9Bl  5,965  5,996  8,748  4,317  4,431
          Chicoutimi ....... , •...........•.........  16,040  7,990  8,050  11,877  6,013  5,864
          Drummondville ..........................  10.555  0,123  5,432  6,609  3,271  3,338
          Granby ...........••. , ...............•..  14,197  6,829  7,368  10,587  6,309  6,278
          Grand'J\.Ière .............................  8,60S  4,205  4,403  6,461  3,206  3,256
          Hull ..................•.....•...........  32,947  16,388  16,659  29.433  14,734  14,699
          Jolie~te........... , .•...•. ', .. , .•.. , .....  12,749  6,057  6,692  10,766  5,123  5,642
          Lachine ......••.•.•....... ..............  20,051  9,90S  10,143  18,630  9,261  9,369
          LévilI ... ,., •...........•................  11,991  5,838  6,153  11,724  5,112  6,952
          Longueuil ......•.. , .•.... , ......... , ....  1,087  3,621  3,460  6,407  2,600  2,767
          Mont,réaL . , .•... , ......•.............•..  903,007  440,101  462,306  818,577  405,892  412,686
          Outremont ..........••..•...•...........  30,151  13,688  11,163  28,641  12,557  16,084
          Quêbee.........•...•....................  1.50,157  10,552  80,206  130,594  61,339  69,266
          Rivière-du-Loup.•...•..... ...............  8,113  4,042  4,B71  8,499  4,000  4,499
          Bt~Hyaointhe.......•...•.......... ......  11,798  1.894  9,904  13,448  6,090  7,358
          Bt..Jean-St. John.••.... ........ ........  13.646  6,662  6,98.  11,256  6,799  5,451
          St~L&ttIbert..................... '" ......  6,417  3,063  3,364  6,075  2,905  S,170
          Shawinigan Falls .......••...•............  20,325  10.131  10,194  16,345  1,61Q  7.666
          Sherbrooke ......•.••..•.................  36,005  17.116  18,849  28,933  13,739  16,1940
          Sorel ...........•..•...........••........  12,251  6,259  6,992  10,320  5,331  4,989
          Thetford Mines .........•.......•........  12,716  6,314  6,402  10,701  5,321  5,380
          Trois-Rivières..........•... ' .............  42,007  20,472  21,536  35,460  17.353  18,097
          Valleyfield, SBlaberry de..........••..... ..  17,052  8,850  8,202  11,411  5,678  5,733
          Verdun.................................  67,349  33,243  34,106  60,145  30,114  30,631
          Wetltmount.....•.•..•.•••...............  26,047  10,910  U.,131  24,235  10,009  14,226
                 TOTAL •••••••••••••.••••. ..... 1,515,511  714,150  711,218  1,336,261  6",435  681,126
                                               1941                   1931
                     CITtS                            HommM                 Hommet
                                       Hommes  Femmes  ~&T 100  Homme,.,  Femmea
                       -                              emmu                  r.:: 100
                                         -      -      -       -      -       -
                     CITIES                           MalEl8                 MaiN
                                        Male   Female  to 100  Male  Female  ta 100
                                                      lemals                femalet
                                          %      %              %      %
          Ca:p-de-Ia--Mad.eleine........••.•..........  49.9  60.1  49.3  50.7
          Chllloutimi .....•.•.••..•...........•....  49.S  60.2  '" ••  50.6  49.4  103
          Drummondville ..•.•........•..••........  48.6  61.6  ••  49.5  50.5  ••
          g~:~rMère~ ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::  4S.1  61.9  .,  49.6  49.9  101
          Hull., .....•..........•...•••..•........  49.7  50.3  ••  60.1  49.9  100
          Joliette...........•.••.........••..•.•....  41.5  52.6  .1  47.6  62.4  .1
          Laehine ...•.......•...•..•••.••.........  49.4  50.6  .,  49.7  50.3  '"
          Lêvis ............... , ...................
          Outremont ........•.. , .....•.•..•... , ... ....  48 .•  10'  49.0  60.40  "
          Longueuil ..•......•..........•....••....
          Montr6a1. .............•...••.••.........
          Quibeo... , .•..............••.••.. , ......  46.8  63 ..2  7.  47.0  63.0  7S
          Itivjêre-du~Loup ....•...•.••••..•.........  46.4  63.6  •• 7  47.1  62.9  ••
          St.HYlJ.CiDthe ..........•.•..•.•.••. , ..•..  44.3  lili.7  .,  45.3  64.7  .3
          St..Jean -  St. JohD..••..•...••..••.......  48.8  61.2  61.6  48 ..'i  10.
          St~L&ttIberL....•.. , .....................  47.7  62.3  .1  47.8  52.2  ••
          Shawinigan Falls ... , .........••..•. , .....  49.8  50.2  ••  60.0  60.0  100
          Snerbrooke ..........•..•................  41.6  52.4  .1  41.5  .0
          Sorel .......... , .............•...•..... , .  61.1  48.9  10'  61.1  48.3  107
          Thedord :fI.finN ......••..••.......•......  49.7  60.S  •• .,  49.7  liD.3  ••
          Trois-Rivières......•.....................  48.7  51.3  49.0  51.0   ••
          Valleylield, Salaberry de..... , .. , •..•. , •• ,.  51,9  48.1  10.  49.8  50.2  ••
                                                                       51.0 ..
          Verdun., .............•..•. , •.. , .........  49.4  50.6  49.6  50.4  ••
          Vi,'e:stIIltllunt. ..••.••...•..•.......... , •• , .  41.9  58,1  "  41.3  58.1  70
               TO'UTEII cl'rlIis-ALL clTlE~  ...s  51.5  ••    49.0
           (1) De 5,000 et plus.         (1) Of 5,lXlO population and over.
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77