Page 13 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 13


          1921     HI31      1941      1043     1944      1946     1946      1947  ~~
          2,360,665  2,8i4,662  3,331,882  3,448,118  3,500,000  3,561,000  3,630,000  3,7l2,OOO  1
          1,179,720  1,447,333  1,672,982 ........... ... ...... .. .. .... ......  ..........  ........  2
          1,180,939  1,427,329  1,658,900 ........... ......... .. .. .... ...... .... . '"  ..........  3
          1,322,569  1,813,600  2,109,684 ..... .. .... ·..,....... ... ... ..... .... ... .... ...... ....  ,
          1,038,096  l,061,OlS6  1,222,198 ... ........ ..........  ....... ...  ..... ... ... ·...  ...  ,
          2,023,983  2,463,160  2,894,621 ........... ........ ... .. .... .. .... ..... ... ... ·.. .......
          2,172,100  2,622,512  3,107,939 ....  ....   " .....    ....    .. ...     7
            ]8,659   16,783    32,782  .3:3,856  .'3Ï,9Z2  33,211    36,650   ':Üi....96  8
           88,749    83,606    89,209   98,7·14  102,262   ID4,283  111,285  Il.~.7(-.8  •
           33.433    34.487    34,338   35,069   34,813    3a.348    33,690   33,l'69  1 o
            7,733    8.448     9,855     9,976   10,055    10,073    10,015   .....  11
           19,704    25.793    30,971   31,808   32,676    33.050    34,246 .. ........  12
           664,709  770.573   859,657                  ......    ... '    .... ....  ,
                                                                                     3 1
           548,251  663,351   720,850  ...• '7'üd'35  •.•. 7~4',5i3  719,444  72S,755 ....  ....  1
         19,771,597  29.350,278  33,866.283 (9) 28,741,060  30,2,,2,,483  . ,........  1 •
          2,351,471  5,80ta:~~  5,351,735  13,901,937  15,389,408  , .. Ùi;l73',533  .. ..  ..  ....  1
            40.30         ... .... .....  61.61   64.75 ..... .......  69.8!)  · ... ....  1 7
             183      206  (8)  :.l62     266 ·..........  ...      .. .....  ... ...  1
           81,396   147,239   278,391  313,763 ...........       ...... ..... ... . .. ....  1 8 •
         14,914,521  .(1,630,620  55,968,765  92,770,110  93,036,713  96,455,70,'i  110,321.293  133,405,950  2 o
         14,684,088  40,853,845  52,455,879  80,068,237  82,559,942  91,990,114  95,552,896  106,934,126  2 1
          1,230,433  776,775  3,512,886  12,701,872  10,476,770  4,465,589  14,768,397  20,471,830  2  2
          1,739,321  3,074,047                         ..
         49,277,595  50,418,250  • '349,304',30i  '334,iùÙi50  ·328,292:568  328,302,569  .àici,7ù,093  ·323,iiia",si7  2 3 4 2
       1,534,513,924 2,358,53ô,765  2,269,718,453  2,289,741,457  2,322,111,981  2,3!)8,363,021 .... .....  .. ... .. ....  2
         16,348,347  25,983,583  26,426,606  :-\O,:W.J,!s50  32,338,257  35,246,181 ...... ....  ... .. ......  2 •
         21,024,006  40,136,574  26,877,556  30,363,940  :l'2,553.307  37,423,684 ......  . .. ........  7 2
         61,195,630  I09,64Cl,231  144,146,Cl41  159,873,248  156,2t7,130  157,651,826 ...... ....  .. .. ....  8 2
         4i2,B38,M3  78,263,280  110,050,351  121.15'J,3UJ  llfi,469.2JO  12t,805,778  .. .... .....  2 •
          2,349,260  2,438,073  1,400,545  3,649,235  2,433,248  5,240,206  2,301,305 ........ ..  3 o
       1,603,962,784 2,210,942,541  2,222,825,311  2,306,425,HIl  2,43l;,:2I0,884  ..........  ...  • 1
         41,8,891,143  62,769,516  76,047,469  78,7~JO,027  2'~\~48J::gl~  83,271,713 ... ... ....  .. .........  •
         29,370,021  107,808,979                                  .......            ,
         48,763,263  46,400,700  .. '75,8~i7',iô3  ..13,7"sï,:HO ··76:iis,ÎM4.  ...80,3'29',460  ..... ...  3 ,
         28,495,546  124,567,569 ...          ..                                    3 3
         10,206,367  61,824,116  '8,994:970  .. iO,'3'üi,573  .i>:9SÙJOO  ... Î6,'25'i,555  9,998,950  · '2G,9'77',99Î  3  fi
           lBO,616   39,220    29,600   27,500   2(i,900   23,400    22,500   21,800
          2,754,000  798,000  533,000  503,UOO   500,000   398,000  380,000  325,000  3 7
          4.379,000  614,000  490.000  ,',43,000  557.000  454,000  486,000  .507,000
          2,366,810  1,657,452  1,695,000  1,690,000  1,686,000  1,6&4.000  1,466,iiOO  1,394,700
         liO,591,OOO  47,22'J,000  47,291,000  38,02~,,00O  44,484,000  37.877,000  34,706.000  2fi,6:l':J,000  3 8
         30,355,000  17,045,000  20,483,000  24,710,000  28,410,00!)  24,999,000  23,982,000  2i,643,000
           150,666   95,767    80,900   90,,',OU  83.600   83,100    78,200   90,400  • •
          3,503,000  2,358,000  1,773.000  1,828,OUU  1,513,000  1,720,000  1,627,000  1,523,000
          3,503,000  1,368,000  1,312,000  1,/);)6,OOU  1,362,000  1,617,000  ] ,643,000  1,919,000  ,
           222,084  146,190   153,000  168,000   168,900   156.100  152,000
         21,653,000  10,897,000  11,476,000  11.2i)û,000  15,032,000  !),O54,OOO  11,400,000  10,568.000  o
         28,871,000  8,617,000  15,032,000  20,824,000  22,398,000  22,635,000  21.090,000  22,911,000
          4,426,071  3,756,093  3,871,000  .(,002,000  4,192,000  4,207,400  4,182,000  4,065.000 ,
          4,205,000  0,198,000  4,103,000  6,702,000  5,701,000  6,774,000  5,437,000
        121,945,000  40,284.000  69,751,000  77,408,000  88,708,000  85,285,000  70,572,000  92,17],000  ,
          8,051,989  6,079,793  6,380,200  6.750,700  0,802,900  0,758.600  6,505.200
        219,154,000  73,478,000  131,407,000  148,317,000  162,455,000  158,188,000  138,081,000  162,410.000  , 2 3
           332,600  301,400   332,700  329,500   344,500   314,100  317,500
         47,09i,OOO  31,367,00U  37,149,000  45,393,000  47,353,000  42,014,000  42,508,000  41,442,000  4 , ,
           810,700  892,000   ~98,700  1,018.900  1,071,300  1,103,700  1,098,200
         4ô,03~,OOO  39,864,000  46,746,000  106.084,000  102,845,000  104,852,000  121,900,000  125,530,000  , ,
           784,000  815,50U   758,SOO  886,200  958,700    907,900
         13,338,00(1  10,723,OUO  11,877,000  35,50·1-,000  35,728,000  35,698,000  rn,696,OOO  40,&48,000
           690,900  728,200   808,000  978,000  1,001,000  843,700  868,000  1,061,ZOO  4 7
         6,996,000  S,359,000  7,603,000  17,.')~12,000  17,862,000  15,688,000  20,790,000  27,428,000
          (5) Revenue, depuie 1934.-Revenue, sinoe 1934.
          (6) DépeI1.'J68, depuie 1934.-Expendîture, ain~e 1934.
          (7) Les cbiffT68 des receD86lDenta 1881-1931 ae Tappartent à l'année préoédente.-FIgures of tbe 1881.1931 <::ellSUlIeti are for the
       p.reœding year.
          (8) y compri!l lea bOpito.ux prîvêB depuis 1940.-Privu.te bospita1s iuoluded from 1940.
          (9) Depuie 1942, ellDeigllcment primaire eeulemant.-Sinee 1942, prima.TY educa.t.ion only.
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