Page 108 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 108

92                            POPULATiON

                            Dans les cellLle~ ruraux, l'excédent de la po-  rn the rural Cen tres, the masculine popu-
                          pulation mascuJine est de 66,558 o.1ors que, dans  lation exceeds the feminine by 5B,508 whereas
                          les cités, villes et villap;es, il y a 52,485 femmes  in the cities, towns and villages, there are
                          de plus que d'hommes.  En d'autres termes,  52,480 more \l'omen than men.  In other
                                                                words, in rural districts are to be found 111 men
                          on compte, par 100 femmes, 111 hommes dans
                                                                as against 100 women and only 95 men in the
                          les campagnes et 95 dans les centres urbains.
                                                                urban centres.  In the cities, this proportion
                          DaIl8 les cités, cette proportion varie, d'après
                                                                varies between 72 and 134 as will be seen from
                          le tableau suivant, f'ntre 72 et 134.  the following table.
                                    lB-Population des cités classifiée selon le sexe, en 1931 et 1941.
                                   IB-Sex Distribution of the Population of Cities, in 1931 and 1941.
                                                                1041                  1931
                                                               Homm..  Femmes        Hommes  Femmes
                                      CITIE8            Tolol       
                                                                Male  Femalc          Male   Femol.
                          Arvida ...................•....•.........  4,581  2,623  1,958  1,790  973  817
                          Cap-de-la-Madeleine     .      Il,961  5,065  5,9U6   8,748  4,317   4,431
                          Chicoutimi              .      16,040  7,090  8,OiiO  Il,lin  0,013 .  5,864
                          Drummondville ...........•.... ,  .  10,655  5,123  5,4:12  6,(;09  3,271  3,338
                          g~~~ârM;';~"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  14,197  0.829  7,368  10.587  6,309  5,278
                          Hull ...........•................... ,  .  32,U47  16,388  16,559  29.433  14.734  14,609
                          JolicHe                     .  12,749  6,057  6,692  10,765  5,123   5,642
                          Lnchioe ........•.........•....•.......•.  20,051  0,(108  10,14.3  18,630  0,201  0,360
                          1.~\·iA.........................•.. , .  Il,991  5,Ii38  6,153  Il,724  5,772  5,952
                          l.Jongueuil ...................•.•.. _.... _.  7,087  3,027  3.460  5,4U7  2,650  2,157
                          Montréal ...............•.... , .... , ..  90~,007  440,701  462,306  818,.>77  405,892  412,&85
                          OutremODt .............•....... , ....•.•.  30,7;il  13,588  [7,163  28,6'11  12,557  16,084
                          Qu6bee.... .. . ..... ... .  . ... , .... ,.  150,757  10,552  80,205  130,5U4  61,339  69,256
                          ltivh'rc·du-Loup........................•.  8,713  4.0'12  4,671  8,409  4,000  4,499
                          BI.-Hyacinthe  .               17.7118        9,904  13,448  6.000   7.:158
                          SL-Jean -  St. John.. .  . .... , .....•....  13.616  l:~~~  6,U84  11.256  5,709  5,457
                          St.·Laml,,·rL...  . ........•..  ûi1l7  3,063  3,3;i4  0,075  2,m)5  3,170
                          Sbawjnl~l\u F"Us.  .       .   20,325  10,131  lO,lfH  Lj,~15  7,679  7,060
                          Sherbrooke.  . ..........•.    35,9(;5  17,116  18,849  28,93.1  13,739  16,194
                          Sorel .......................•.....•.......  12.251  6,2.jU  5,U92  10,320  5,331  4,989
                          Th•.tford ~in...  .    ,    .  12,716  6,314  6,402  10,701  5,321   5,380
                          TJ''')I~-RIV1l'rc~ ...............•....•.......  42,007  20,472  21,53,)  35,450  17,353  IIi,097
                          Valleyfield, ~alab.rry de  ,  .  17,O!i2  li ,850  8,202  11,411  (j,678  5,733
                          Verdun            '.'      .   67,349  33,243  34,106  60,745  30, 114  30,(;31
                          l\restmounL.               .   26.047  10,910  15 1 137  24,235  10,009  \4.226
                                 TOTAL .•.•.•.••••.•••••.  1,515,568  734,350  781,21B  1,336,2~  664,435  681,826
                                      Rt':l'ARTlTrON PROPORTIONNr;;LLE·~·l'ERCENTAGEDlSTRlBUTION
                                                                1941                  1931
                                      CI1'ÊS                          Homm".                Hommes
                                                       HommeB  Femmes  Ilar 100  Hommes  Femmes  Ilar 100
                                                                      femmf'.5              femmes
                                      CITIE8                           M"I".                 Male.
                                                        Mal.   Femnle  1.0100  Il'lale       10100
                                                                      fl~ma]es              lemal ...
                                                          %      %              %      '4l
                          Arvida ...................•..............  67.3  42.7  134  54.4  45.6  119
                          Cl\p.d.·IQ-~adclein        "   49.9    60.1    99    4<J.3   J.7     ()7
                          ChlCl)U t.UTU .....•. ,    ,   49.8    110.2   99    50.6   '1H.4    103
                          D"funlmOndviUe ............•.......•.....  48.{)  51.5  94  49.5  i}î).5  98
                          Granby            , .. ,   .   48.1   51.9     93    50.\    49.9    101
                          Grand'i\lOre.  .           .   48.8   51.2     a,:;  49.6    liO.4   08
                          Hull ...........•........................  49.7  50.a  !J9  511.1  ·l!).9  100
                          JoU Lt·e           .           47.5   [J2,5    III   47.6    5.2.4   01
                           11I!bine.........  . ..•.••.•..•...  49.4  nO.i1  fl8  49.7  50.3   99
                          l.~viB ...............•..•.... "  ,  , .  48. ï  61.11  U5  49.2  (j0.8  97
                          Lougue\lil      ,          .   51. 2  48.8     105   49.0    ôl.O    OÛ
                          Moulr6al.       ,   ,      ,.  48.8    raL 2   95    40.G    60.4    98
                          Oulremout ...................•...••.•..•  44.2  55.8  79  43.8  5G.2  78
                          Qul!bec               .        46.8   .,:1.2   88    47.0   !i3.0    89
                          R.ivi~re-clu·Loup  ,       .   46.4   5::L6    87    47.1   ,s:l.9   80
                          ~t-]iyaciot..l.1P.~ ........•••. , •......•......  44.3  55.7  80  4lj.~  5·1.7  83
                           t-Jean -  8t. Jobo ............•..........  48.8  5l.2  95  51.5  -l8.5  106
                          St,·Lambor/.................•.............  47.7  52.3  9l  47.8  52.2  02
                          dh.a.wirllga.D Falls ......• '  , ..•........  49.8  [j(l.2  9!J  60.0  ,!jO.O  100
                          Soel'brooke     ,          .   47.6   52.4     III   47.6   ;j~. 0   90
                          SOre.I... , ....•....... ' ......••••.•••. , ..•.  5l.1  48.U  104  61. 7  4~.3  107
                          Th ..Ecrd i'rtil1(~  , .......•.........  49.7  60.3  !J9  49.7  50.3  99
                          TTolJi-Ri\"iil,rcs  " ....•.•........ , ..  48.7  6\.3  lJ5  40.0  t, 1.0  06
                          v~n"J'lI.ttlcl,Saln\JCHY d.. .  .  .JI. 9  48.1  108  49.8  ,,11.2   99
                          Ver<J!un.......   .      .     ~9.4   ,'  97   49.6   ~U.4     98
                          Wœ~rn  nL. ..............•....•.....  41.1J  58.1  72  41.3  ijS.7   70
                                Toun:s ul' CITII:.  4B.5  51.5    94    49.0    51.0    96
   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113