Page 108 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 108

76                            POPULATION

          13-Sexe de la population rurale et urbaine de la province de Québec, par comtés, en 1941.
          13-Sex Distribution of Urban and Rural Population of the Province of Quebec. by
                                       Counties, in 1941.
                                           Population rurnle     Popl.llat.ion urbaine
                                Gr.nd       Rural Population     Crban Population
                                Total  Hommes  Femmes        Hommes  Femmes
                COUNTIES                              Tocal                  Total
                                        Male   Female         Mnle   Fcmale
          Ahicibl          .     67,689  27,4i6  22.093  49.569  10.184  7,930
          .-I.rgenleuû .. . . . .. . . .. . . .  . ...  n,GiO  6,868  5,OG5  12.533  5,003  5,134
          Arthabaska .' .. , .. '  , .' ., . "  30.039  8.4R9  I,Goo  Hl,098  O,8û8  7,133
          Bago(      ,   ,.". ,.  17.6oL2  6,2,')7  5,743  12,000  2,702  2,940
          Denuee.  '"         .  48,073  IQ,2:'ll  18,010  37,241  5,180  5,640
          Benuha raois. .   .    30,269  3,!)ol  2.i50  O,71l  12,330  11..228
          Belleebasse. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  .  23,67{;  Il,405  10,807  22,212  686  778
  "   ,   .    21,2:1:1  8,679  7,8i3  16.552  2.300  2.381
          Bona\'coture  , .. ,  .  39,1.9[;  20,479  18,717  39,190
          Brome....  . ....•..........  12,4Ko  4,736  3,901  8,1>:37  .;,89?-
          Chambly         , .•..  3~.15·)  0.457  5,578  12,11:35  tO,129
          Champlain. . .. ..,., .. ,  ,.  G8,057  ]r"lô~  14,745  30,SU7  J8,457
          CharlevOlx-j;;.. .  ,  .  13,077  4,346  3.974  8,~20  2,333
          Charlevoix-O,·W, .. ' " ,  "  12.585  4.404  4,305  8,769  1.870
          Chi>teau~uay  .. , . ,.  ..  14,443  5,201  4,914  JO,175  2.040
          Chicont imi. .  .  .   78,881  13.322  Il.02G  24,948  27,937
          Compton             ,  22,957  8.040  (;,927  14,967  4,048
          Deux-Mont·agnes-Two Ml •... ,.  L6,746  0,389  5,813  12,232  2,158
          Dorchester ....        29,809  15,230  ):l,.581  28,811  498
          Drummond.              36,OR3  9.556  8.819  18,375  9.024
          Frunleoac  "        .  28,590  11,800  JO,547  22,~~:  3.l!G
          Ga.spê-E  ,  ,      ,  33,871  IG,353  14,100  30".,,}  I,OGO
          C""pé-O,-W      ,  ,.  12,397  5,740  5.328  Il.OGS   660
          Gatineau           .   29,754  12,600  10,023  23 ?"'l  3,328
          Hull  ,    .           41.43'1  1.355  l,l31  Z:4',ç;j  IIt,531
          Huntingdon. ,  .       J2,394  5,385  4,628  10,013  1.174
          Ibcl'vùle    .' .      10,273  3.310  2.h09   0,125  2,027
          lIœ·de-la-Madel,-Magd, Isl'•....  8,940  4,658  4,2il2  8,940
          ,Ioliette..  .  .      31,713  8,!J43  8,;;SO  17,523  0.744
          KlUllourasl-a,.  . . , .  2:),53~)  Il,216  1O.0u5  21,881  1,737
          Labelle           .    22.U{<[  9,202  7.93'i  17,139  2,880
          Lac-St·Jcan·E.-L. St ..lohn E  .  2::'j.2~1.j  6,176  5,580  1),756  0,K-11
          Lno-St-Jean-O.-L. S,., .Tohn \Y . 'v  a!l.ool  14,061  12,458  20,519  O,I·tO
          LapTn.irie  '   .  .   la.130  5,333  4.8\1t  IO,2U  1,876
          L'Assomption.,. ,. .  , ..  17,543  5,839  5,4-12  Il,281  a.lIo
          Lévi., . . . .  . .  .  .  a8.119  7,23(;  7,023  14,259  11,814
          L'Islcl.. ...  .......  .  ..  20,589  10,250  9.634  19,890  .'325
          Lothlllièrc... .  .. .  .  26,664  10.458  9,639  20,097  3,150
          lI1lU;kinongé,.  . .. , ., .,.  . .  18,206  6,927  G,3l!  J,3,238  2.360
          MatRne.  '"       ..   2.5,488  9,117  8,187  17,304  4,054
          Ma.tapédia  .. , , ..• .  ,'  29,926  11.213  9,968  21,181  ·t,408
          ldt:ga,tllic      ..   '111,3,,7  9,6(1-1  8,565  18.229  10,430
          l'vIis~i~quoi.  . . .. •.  . .  21,.142  5,·t:'?{j  4,S-I3  10,2U9  5,390
          Montcalm.           '  15,:108  6.278  5,O:l~  11,(1\2  l,585
          JVlontmagny.  "  . ..  .  .  22·,04!l  9.007  8,:.197  17,.Hl4  2,243
          NJQo(.nlorf.·lI<:Y, ~o 1..  ..  14,309  ;>,998  5,051  11,ü-1-l  1.243
          IVlontmDl'enp.y, No 2 .... " . .  _.  '1,293  1,':-'25  1.'.120  3.851  20.5
          Moutrbl &Jésu., I1es-lsl.."d•.  1,138A:n  1.'J,507  12,077  28,484  538,590
          Napicnnlle      .       K32!l  3,l80  2,728   S,908  1,126
          Nicole"....  .  .      30.0!>;;  Il,331  1O,.I55  21,780  3,634
          J'A.pinenu    _. _  .  27,.5.;1  8,827  7,596  16,423  5,621
         POnltac.                19.8;;2'  8.368  0,887  15,25ti  2,280
          Port-neuf  ..          38,1;96  12,17G  Il ,000  23,782  7.600
          Quéh<c . , ,  •..•..•  202,882  13,0911  12.826  25.923  83,378
          RicheHp.u .... '       23,691  4,158  3,920   8,078  7,!)G2
          Riehmon<! .            27.193  0,357  5,494  n,Bol   7,81.5
          Rlmoueki..  "  .'      44,233  15,935  14,664  30,599  6.478
          Rivièl'e-du-Loup  . ..  . .....  34,403  !J,831;  11.178  23,014  5,361
          Roul,-j)Jr    .        1.5.8H  5.387  4,651  11),038  2,711
          ~ll,'.!HI.'na.Jr.  .  _  ~\I,419  13,700  12.0r.O  26,360  l,r,55
          SI,.flord.  . ..       33,387  7,158  5,918  13.076  !l.R79
          Sb.f':rbrooke, . .  _.. _.. _  46,574  4,197  4,01)(3  8,293  18,25B
          SoulB.oges....  .  .    9,328  3,2·~8  2,8f15  0.143  1,.558
          S,ao.l.end . . . .  .  .  27,972  l'l.117  4.41;8  9,585  8,9Gt
          l't-Hyacinthe..  ..    31,64.j  ,S.OI)4  4.48~)  9,493  \1,903
          St.·Jcno--8t.. John'., .  . , .  20.584  3,200  2,864  6.004  7.093
          St·l\iaufl(:(!    ._   80.352  8,0;;2  7,339  15.391  31,9,13
          TfmuH,:A.minguc.  . .  . .  ·10,471  12M9  10.657  23.356  9,12lJ
          T('l)lJ~c(lua(·u . . . .  .. ..  ..  23,182  10,52.'\  9,544  20,009  l,OH
          Tt'rH~bonoc.  . .'  . _ ..... .•  'l(i,8b~  Il.11;2  !l.&.I8  21,010  12,RO!I
          \'uudrelUl  ., ., .. , ., ..  13,170  4,0,,7  3,523  7,:;80  2.7·1(;
          Verrhcl'cs  . . .. . ..  ..'  14,214  4.36t  4.018  8,:179  2,870
          Wolfe    ,.            17,4~2  6.912  6,099  13,011  2.187
          Yalû~l(a .             16,510  0,490  (J,151  12.15'17  1,873
                  'J'cYl·AL ...  3,131,882  &44,383
           ExLrnil rie Se Ree;tnsemenl dr" Canada. B-II.1Lefin 11-/  E:dract from 8th Cens-u.s 0/ Ca'luàa, Bldlerin. .4-1.
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