Page 503 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 503

442                         PRb;VOYANCE

            22-1!:tat des affaires des Sociétés de secours mutuels de la province de Québec. en 1928,

                   NOM DE LA SOC1~Tl~

            Alurnllno Il nefit AssocilLtion of t.h Hoyal Viotoria  S  s     S
             HospilolTraining Sehool fOI' Nul·ses....  8,721  (\48         4,:WO
            AllI""'lLC Mutuol Ben fit ;l86ooiotioll of tho  -lon-
             treal Gencr,,1 1'1 ospitul Tr"ining Sohool for Nurs...  1.1,423  484  2,:\10  2,86l
            Anci lit. Ordor of Hibnrniaos in Amcrlcn of t.he
             ProvinoeofQuebcc         ,    .  (I}
            AssooiDtioll de IIi 'ofaisnneo deB Pompiers do Mout.-
             r601. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  648,464  900  200,731  IIO,7.'J4
            Asse iotion de Ilienfaisance ct. de Retrait.e d  ln
             Police de Mootr~nl   .         041,980      1.201      HlO,~211  1.50.870
            A88ociatioll do BienflLi.allce et. do Relraite des
             Pompiersdr Québee    .                       200  li7,000  6,121  1,500
            A""ceinlion de Pr6voyance ct d', Sooours lI1ulueiJI
             de Beuol,er8 de Montréal  .     4,432        300        l,958  1,6H
            A••o 'iation de Douehers ct COlnll1err"nt8 do Lnrrl
             d Qul\bee......................  574          oS         110   163
            AS8ecintiop dc..EmJ,loyé3 de. de \·lon lr6al . .  ~ ,528  1,184  3M,200  15,600  ,>,052
            ABBooinlion Mutu '\le dcs E,lIploy61 Perlll"nclll,!'
             delneil6do QuOb e         , .   8,727        105  60,600  2,288  1,360
            Assooiation Protaotrioe dcft Polioiora Muniojpau:c:
             de Qu~bec    .                  1~,270       127        :1,847  038
            Be88urabier Hahr"w Siok })oMfit. Society ....  26,478  fi 6  JO,331  .104
            (anadi"n Hebrew !:lick Dellefit A880ciulioll ..  6,141  205  3.081l  3,504
            Cnnadi"ll Labour Circle Mutunlllenefit Alliloointion  405  208  3,'138  3,.570
            Cnnndin" Ordorof Heohn\>ite.... . .  .  .  5.6n2  35  2,800  707  564
            C"""dinn P..oifio ExpreesmcIl'8 Mutu,,1 Denent
             f'oeiet.y.     .               :31,301  1,124  1.421   29,190  25,109
            Callndinn ftllbbcr fo'lIetory  Employees  lIlutUftl
             Bonefit AJl8ncicti,m  ,  _   .  1,504        8l>1             '1,231
            Colulnbus Rubb.r l'nctory 'Employees Mutu,,1
             BenQôt ASftocîatiofl . ..........•......  2,943  172    2.719  1,030
            DnughLcr. nnd Muid. of Engl.nrl TI nevolent
             Society              _.,.,  ,   l~,128      J.168       fi,'\~O  4,712
            Dominion Ar.cnIlISiel,D nefitAllsoeiotion....  l,no  134  1,030  1,310
            Domillion Commeroiul 'l'ravoUer.' Mutuol l3eoelït
             .. ocict.y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 112,250  032  020,250  37,207  22,21(\
            Domioion  Rubher E'flctory Empluycea MutilaI
             B nofit A8I:looiat.ion........  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2 JHia  682  4,420  3.482
            D,·. Iferzl Proteot.ive 1\Mooilltioll of l\1onLrcnl (Il ..
            Fonds de S cOur. deo Foresti ro Catholique" de la
             Provinco d Québec   ,   ,      ~ 1,427      0,232  226,276   4 ,562
            Gn,"d I.odgc of (~uebeu, K"ightR of L'ythi", of the
              Prlwiuc of (~uebee.  .     , .                                663
            ·"bordinnl.e  J.odgca, Knighf.8 of P~'ll,iua of the
              PT~)\'in  of Quùbuc . . . . .  .  .  7,502  1,236  506       3,044
            Omnd Lodlle Ordor 'ons of h,"ly of the 1rovinee
             of Que"ec           ,    , ,. .  H1,441  400  527       7,llo50  0,0:11
            Hebrc\V S!<:k nell 6t ABBoeillLioll of Montr<:u!....  50,001  l,OM  10,504  Ifi,ûU5
            HiR Mâ8ter's Voico Co-opcrn.tion Bcrll~l1r:inl A1J80-
             cifloti n.....  .  ,     , . . . .. . .  8,8~8  30:.\  400  :353,000  10,801  8,100
            JiuoJ(or;ull Biok Beneût. A' oointiou (1)  ,. _  ,  .
            lud.epcnd 'nt Hebrc\\' tiiuk B."cfit A""ooiation Dl
              MontreuI  ,      , . ..  ..  . . ..  10,01.5  21\7     4,288  4,400
            !llcieprndolLt. Ordor of Odd ~'ollow". Gr.nd !-OOItO
             of Queb        , ,        , . . . ..  26,ll81           7.200  0,000
            IudopendolLl. Order of Odd Follow., Subordinllte
              wlge            .                          ~, 93      H,69l  7/i,262
            Independent Order or Odd Follow.', Mnnoh  ler
              Unily F"i lLdly  clet.y, Montreld Distrint... .. ..  27,O!}2  717  83,060  4,882  1,066
            1ndep n I""t Order of t Iltll:\onR of II.IlI~' nf Qu be (1)
            I\inp; Edward Bondit .~88ociationof Monlreal,  .  16,826  2,000  470  .502  7.142
            King Goorge SiokBellefit A oointiOlL  ,  .  1~,070  3~1  7,:17/\  7,098
            Ln  olLoord 0 dus Fille. d'!tlllic ILU  oMd"  .  IH7  38  472   307
            LnMotu 'lied Soint-Frnnçoi8-<le-Sul  doln Pointc-
             Gntinellu        .                            13  2,1050  433  ~02
                (1) .(1:11L1. non trlln mi•.
   498   499   500   501   502   503   504   505   506   507   508