Page 36 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 36

Localit~ - topon}'le  I!tablisseaent religieu - civil  Ann~e  COlt~,  Type R~pertoire  I •••Q.  Bib. ItI Bib. lit. Soe. GO. Iotre
 ouv.  div. recenseaent   publi~        lIontr~al Ga9non       du oc   Cu.-me IWro

 Bourg-LouiS  Angllcan, Saint Catherine IF. 1919  1850  Portneuf  BMS 1850-1882  M.F.  M.F.
 Bourg-Louis  Methodist, Wesleyan Church IF.1930  1834  Portneuf  (,   ~.
 Bourget  St-Charles-Borrom~e  1885  Chicoutili  M 1885-1971  591  1535  0059 ;,:f9 7 00
 Bourlamaque  Baptist  1939  Abitibi                                 d·";/' ';:"
 Bourlallaque  St-Joseph  1958  Abitibi  H  1958-1918  007  0528
 Bourlamaque  United Church  1936  Abitibi                   0001      B8400£
 Bout-de-l' lsIe  Regroupement des familles de ...  iIe de Hontr~a 1  Gen 1690-1911  CS89,21 0693  0548  !tag
 Bowman  Canton, Recensement, Census  Hull  Rec 1861-1891  Mag  Mag
 Bowman  Lutheran, Saint Paulus Evang.  1882  Hull  BMS 1882-1981  H.F,  M.F,
 Boyer  St-Hugues-du-Lac-Saguay  1913  Labelle  M  1911-1960  060  0264
 Boyer  St-Hugues-du-Lac-Saguay  1913  Labelle  MT  1914-1988  1435   "A'7609
 Brador  Anglican, Saint Christopher  Saguenay
 Brador  st-August!n  1949  Saguenay  H  1949-1965  0563
 Brador  St-Augustin  1949  Saguenay  M 1949-1988  539  1351  0029-B
 Bras-d'Apic  St-Robert (d.)  L'Islet                                  G9'06
 Breakeyville  {A.D.l Saint Andrew IF, 1926  1921  L~vis
 Breakeyville  Presbytenan, Christian Brethren  1952  L~vis
 Breakeyville  ste-H~lene  1909  L~vis  M 1909-1961  0778              L:1OC
 Breakeyville  Ste-H~lene  1909  L~vis  M 1909-1962  0802              WOC
 BreakeyVllle  Ste-H~ lene  1909  L~VlS  M 1909-1990  1578  1720       L210Hl
 Br~beuf  St·Jean-de-Br~beuf  (Pr~sentationl  1905  Terrebonne  M 1905-1960  237  0270  A6300
 Br~beuf  St-Jean-de-Brebeuf  (Pr~sentation)  1905  Terrebonne  M 1905-1984  349  1114  A6300,lL
 Bngham  CongregatIonal IF. 1925  1888  Brome
 Brigham  Ste-Marie-M~diatrice  1925  Brome  H  1925-1967  024  0153  3450  \;.r-J~OO
 Bristol  Anglican, Saint Thomas  1857  Pontiac  M 1857-1944  502  1085  0162  B7500.HRO
 Bristol  Cemetery, Anglican  Pontiac  T          P~r,                 A7414S
 Bristol  Cemetery, United  Pontiac  T           Per.                  A7414S
 Bristol  Mission  Pontiac  B  1847-1853                               B8002
 Bristol  Presbyterian, St-Andrew IF. 1925  1905  Pontiac  M 1905-1957  502  1085  0162  B75GO.HRO
 Bristol  Saint Edward the Confesssor  1928  Pontiac  M  1928-1973  108  0535  0195  88000
 Bristol  United Church, St-Andrew Knox  1925  Pontiac
 Bristol-Ridge  Pentecostal  1919  Pontiac
 Brole  Adventist  1882  Brole
 Brolle  Anglican, Saint John the Evangelist  1863  Brome  M 1863-1879  574  1523  2884  ~~\fJ} .-.".
 Brome  Baptist, Free WiII  1879  Brome  M 1879  574  1523  2884       ~::,~ :,:.
 Brolle  Congregational  1843  Brolle  H  1843-1879  574  1523  2884   ~" P5400.2
 Brole  Methodist  1867  Brome  M  1867-1879  574  1523     2884       P5400.2

 row - roponyl  Religious, Civil I!stablishaent  Year  County,  type Published  Iontreal Itl Lib. QC lat.  1oe.G&.0Ir

 Open  cenaua Division  _:;~ Repertory   Q.I.A.    Gagnon   Library    Cu.-me lllber
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41