Page 310 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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                            piem. Jlu mois tie lW'Vem6re 1950, ,fdevint de nouveau cure d'offia tie fa
                            wtftidrafe de gaspe ou iffit 6atir fe presEyte-re et reconstruire fa saffe pu6fique,
                            Le 11 septem6re 1951, f a66e Josepfi-fFranfois (j?J4JrCOV<j(Tfut nomme
                            cfianoill£ titufaire d~ dwcese tie gaspe, et fe 19 Mut 1954, i{devint cure tie
                            CitJrt4)anie( QC, ou iltumina fa construetwn de feg(lSe. Jlu mois d'aout 1974,
                            fe clianoine (j?J4JrCOVCR:ltfimissinnno tie (j>ortAJanie[ I{accepta awrs fa
                            directwn dwcesaine tie fOffia de f(Ecuminisme dU meme dwcese de gaspe. ~n
                           jum 1980, iljut temporairemmt fL'1TIpfacant aSt-godejroy, QC, et vlLaire-
                            ecanomea(j>ort4)allie{m 1984 pentfant quefques mois. Ifdecetfa aCfian.d'fer,
                            QC, fe 25janvier 1990afage de 87 ans et 8 mois; ilfut illnumea(j>ort-(])anie{
                            fe 29janvier 1990.

                            Carwn Josepfi-fFratlfois (j?J4JrCoV1?7was 60m in St-fFrantois de (jJeauu, QC
                            on 5\1oy 23, 1902. He was tlie son ofJOSeph lJ{Jl2{COV1?7andJosepfiirte
                            LWg£OIS. He studiedtlieJlrts at Ste-Jlnne-tie-fa..(jbwti£re, QC, andat St-
                            Victor, QG cpfjifOsopfiy andScience at College St-£aurmt in 9r1.ontria( QG

                            rrfuofngy at tfte grandSemmaire ofQue6ec, QC andofgravel50urg J
                            Saskgtcfiewan. He was ortfainedaCf> on Jufy 14, 1928 6y His grace
                            (}Y£VCJ)H09r1.9r1.'E, (Bisfwp ofgravel5ourg. Jlfter furvilzg occupiedtfiefunctwns
                            ofCurate and(j>arisn Cf> in various parisfleS in Sas~tcfiewa1/., anda fntl{f
                            sojourn in 'Europe, fll! was Curate ofSt-Samue( QCfrom 1934 to 1936, and
                            Ste-Jlnne-des-9r1.ants, QC in 1936. Jre was a£ceptedas a<PriJ!st in tlie (])wcese
                            of9aspe, QC onJufy5, 1937.Jlfso in 1937 lie 6ewme tlie designated1'riest at
                            tfll! Catftedra{in gaspe, wflefe lie rtmUlineduntilSeptem6er 17, 1942 wfum fie
                            was nomed(j>arisfi <PriJ!st ofSaint-Jures, (jJonoventure County, QC wfiere fie
                            fiat!astone cfiurcfi 6uilt. In Jrovem6er 1950 lie returnedto tfle Catliedra{in
                            gaspe as desi£!natedCf>, wfiere fie fuJtfa (j>resEytery 6uilt andtlie 11l6&
                            Jra([re6uilt. On Septem6er 11, 1951 fie was namedtitufar Canon oftlie
                            ifJioceseofgaspe, antianJIU{Just 19, 1954 lie 6ecame (j>arisfi 1'riest of(fort-
                            ifJanie( QC wliere lie compfetetftlie construction oftfle Church. In JIugust
                            1974 lie resignedfiis post in (fort4)anie[ Jre tfli!Tl acceptedtlie position of
                            (])irectoroft1ie r£cumenicalOffia oftfie ®Wcese ofgaspe. In June 1980 fie
                            tenrporatiEy repfaadtlie (j>arisn Cf> in St-gotfejrr.ry, QC andlie was Curate-
                          . (jlLrser in <Port-tDanie{forafrw montfis in 1984. He audin CIiaTUlkr, QC on
                          - JIJRIUtf'J 25, 1990 at tAe age of87years and8 mantflS. Jre was 6uriedin (fort
                          -' CDtmie[01.Jtmuary 29, 1990.
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