Page 304 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 304
1930, vUaire aSt-Simeon, ete ae (jjonaventure, QC et au mois
aocto6re ae fa meme annee, cure ae St-qeorges ae fa <Maf5au, QC
Cure ae f'.A-nse-au-qrijfon, QC ae 1932 a1939 et ae f)'t{veme, QC
ae 1939 a1947. J{aellint cure ae :New-~hmond, QC fe 13juiffet
1947 et y aemeura pendant 25 ans, jusqu'a son aeces afhOpitalae
<Maria, QC fe 10 mai 1972. <Monseigneur qi{{es OVCELDE'I;
cinquieme eveque au awcese ae qaspe, presida asesfunirai{{es et a
son inliumatwn a:New-!J?jchmoruf, fe 13 mai 1972.
PatherJoseph rufgarSVPTO:Nwas 60m inSte-)1aefaide ae Pa60s
on <March 29) 1901. Jfe was the son ofr.Rp6ert sVrztIO:NandLaura
(jjCj(atJ{C£CR!JO'N. Jfe stuauain CJ?jmousk,i, QC at St-Sufpice in
<Montreaf, andat the qrandSeminaire in Que6ec) QC Jfe was
oraaineaa Priest in qrande-CJ?jviere, QC on June 12, 1927, 6y Jfis
qrace Pranfois-Xavier Cj(OSS) first (jjishop ofthe cDiocese ofqaspe,
QC On June 16) 1927 he was nameaChapfain ofthe Vrsufine
<Monastery in qaspe) andon)'tU{just 4, 1927 Curate at St-
<Majorique, QC OnSeptem6er 27, 1928 he 6ecame Parish Priest of
Saint-Ju{es) CBonaventure County, QC on Oct06er 8, 1929
)'tssistant at the CBishopric ofqaspe, andCliapfain ofthe JfOtef-
CDieuJfospitafin qaspe; onJIprif15) 1930 Curate at :Newport) QC
on Jufy 5) 1930 Curate at St-Simeon, (jjonaventure County) QC
andin Oct06er 1930 Parish Priest ofSt-qeorges ae fa <Maf5au} QC
J{e was Parish Priest atJInse-au-qrijfon, QCfrom 1932 to 1939}
andof)'t{veme, QC,from 1939 to 1947. J{e 6ecame Parish Priest at
:New ~hmoruf, QC on Jufy 13) 1947 andremaineatherefor 25
years untifhis aeath on <May 10, 1972 at the J{ospita{in <Maria)
QC J{is qrace qi{{es OVi£LLC£'I;fifth (jjishop ofthe CDiocese of
qaspe) presideaat fiisfunera{and6uria{in :New (jQ£fimondon
<May 13) 1972.