Page 295 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 295
tie 'Maria dIeZ sa niece, 'Mane-<£fionore)1LL)1iR!J) manec a]osc;p/i.-jlrffiCmar
C'Y!]\,. Par ffl suite, ifpassa quefques mois afrtvidie tie rJ(jmou.d(i, jusqu 'au 20
flOvem6re 1920. Iftiicetfa afHospice ties Soeurs tie fa crwn'te de 1f,jmous{iJ; fe 2
aecem6re 1920 arage tie 76 at/.s. Iffut illfiume a'Maria, tians fe crypte tie
fancienne eg[ise, fe 6 tiecem6re 1920. Pentfant son sejoura'Maria, fe cure
q)1(JJ./rE invita p[usieurs mem6res tie safamilIe avenir s'y 6ta6fir, tiO/l.t SOli
pere et sa mere, tiellJ(tie sesfrcres: Zadwne a'Maria, et qUeon affl "cofonie
Saint-)1llto,:"e" alljourd'liuISt-<£tigar, QC sa soeur71i.als, instltlltnce a~taria,
et fun tie ses oudes, Isa1'e.
ratflerJac06 q)U;m was 60m 011 Jury 2, 1844 ill ife-au,x::Coudrc:s (or ife GiL(
'Noisetiers) QC infront of!J3aie Saint-Paur, /i.e was tfie SOil oJPrrufent
q)1q'Nt aruf1Iionore CDVCJfESJfE. Jie studi"ufat f1.cofe J./ormafe Lmmfill
Que6ec,QC aluftallgfrt at St-Cftarfes tie t13elIedtasse, QC Hejinisfietifiis
studies at tfie Seminary len <Rjmouskj, QC He was ortiailLetia priest OIL
CDecem6er 17, 1870 6y Jiis qrace Jean-rraf/{ois L)1J./qEo/J'Jv;first !J3isfwp of
tfie ([)iocese of1\imollsJ(j. He was atfirst, Curate at tfie Catfretirafin !J<J:fIlous{zi,
anti'was nllmed"in 1871, Secretary oftfie !J3isfiopri£ of!J<J:mousRj; ~1taster of
Ceremonies antiCfumalIor oftfie CDiocese of!J<J:mousJ(j. 'Missionary at
'NatasfuJuan j QCfrom 1872 to 1875. He was tfiejiftfrJPariJfr Pn'est of:Maria,
QCfor 27yearsfrom 1875 to 1902, Jie 'Was 'Missionary at Saint Jules
t130naventure County, QCfrom 1897 to 1901. Jie matie a consiLfera6fe
contrifJUtion, starting in 1890, to tfie esta6flShment ofSaint-)lfpflOllse tie
Capli11l, QC antifie tiirectetft/i.e constmction oft/i.e Cfiaperill the "'Viffage St-
Louis" :Micmac 'Mission neaf tfie Cascapetlw CRjlJer at tfie eastem fimits of
'Maria. Jie retiretiin 'Mariafrom 1902 to 1920. He frvetinear tfie Chllrc/i., UJitfi
fiis niece :Marie J Efionore)1LL)1(j{,CD wfiose fius6antiwas Josepfi-)1dTiimar
eYeR., Later fie spent severa[montflS at tfle (iJisfiopri£ in CJ?jmousKj, unti[
'Novem6er 20, 1920. He tiutiat tfle Jiome oftfie Sisters ofCfwrity in c.RjmousfU·
on ([)ecem6e-r 2, 1920 at t/i.e age of76years. Jie was 6unetiin :Maria, in tfie oGf
cfiurcfi crypt, on {[)ecem6er 6, 1920. W/i.ik fie was in :Maria, /i.e invitetiseveraf
m~m6ers offiisfamily to esta6flSfi tliemsefves In tfie area, fiisfatlier antimotlier,
two offiis 6rotfiers: Zacfwrie in :Maria, anti qetfion in "Saint-)1ntol:l/.e Cofony"
now St-<£tfgar, QC fiis sister7Twls (a teadl£r iTt 'Maria) anaone offiis uncks,