Page 85 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 85


                                                                                         The Ontario Register
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Western District Marriages
                                                                    1\larriages by Rev.  William Scott,  W. M.  Minister:
                                                                                                                                                                             both of the Township of Sarnia,  1 Jan 1841. w:  Thomas  Porter,
                                                                                                                                                                             William  Paterson.
                                                              Horatio F.  Stewart  and  Frances  Brou.ghton,  2  Mar 1840 in
                                                                                                                                                                                William Waddle, yeoman of Plympton, and Minerva Hawley,
                                                                                ...  \ITilliarn  H  Hebb,  Justme Shepherd.
                                                                      tb  rg
                                                           Am   h ers  u  . ...  ·v                •                                       •                                 widow of Sarnia Township, 26 Mar 1841. w:  William  Paterson,
                                                              Francis Foster and Elizabeth Lowden,  26 Sept 1840 m  Sand-
                                                                                                                                                                             Joseph Musprat.
                                                           wich.  w:  Joseph Miller,  Maria Scott.
                                                                                                                                                                                Edward Proctor,  yeoman,  and  Janet Burns  spinster  both
                                                              William Ferry and Ann Lane,  29  Nov 1840 in Amherstburg,                                                                                                                         '              '
                                                                                                                                                                             of Sarnia Township,  30 April 1841.  w:  Robert Modderwell  and
                                                           w:  George Gobie,  Clara Goble.                                                                                   Samuel  Proctor.
                                                              George  Dickson  and  Catharine  Williams,  12 January  1841
                                                                                                                                                                                Joseph  Modderwell,  yeoman,  of  Moore,  and  Grace Burns,
                                                           in Anderdon.  w:  Nicholas Williams,  Thos.  Clark.
                                                                                                                                                                             spinster of Sarnia Township,  30 April 1841 by special license
                                                                                                                                                                            from the Rt. Hon.  Charles, Baron Sydenham. w: l\firza Proctor
                                                             Culver  Macquary  and  Sarah  Chapman,  of Raleigh,  5  April                                                  and Robert Burns.
                                                          1840 by John C.  Warrin,  Eider of the W. M.  Church,  Raleigh.                                                       William  Perry,  yeoman,  and  Charlotte  Mille rd,  spins ter,

                                                          w:  Abraham Chapman,  James Emery.                                                                                 both of Moore, 28 May 1841.  w: James Duncan,  James Miller.
                                                                                                                                                                                Joshua  Musprat,  yeoman  of  Plympton,  and  Mary  Millerd.

                                                                                  By Alfred  P.  Taulmin,  J. P.                                                             spins ter of Moore,  1 June 1841.  w:  Jas Miller,  Jas Duncan.
                                                                                                                                                                                Andrew  Robertson,  of  Plympton,  and  Maria  Simmons,  of

                                                             Timothy Trusler and  Esther Stevens,  both of Plympton,  on                                                     Enniskillen,  9 Dec  1841  by special  lie.  w:  Simeon Simmons,
                                                          13  Jan 1840.  w:  Absolom  Trusler and John McFadren  both of                                                     Jas A.  Hawley.
                                                          Plympton.                                                                      '                                      William  Climie  and  Miran  Park,  both of  Plympton,  1  Feb

                                                             Arthur W.  Watson, of Plympton,  and Esther Bury,  Sombra,                                                      1842.  w:  Dugald Furgusson,  Robt Park.

                                                          26  1\Iarch 1840.  w:  Alex Kerby and John Bury,  both of Sombra                                                      William Millar,  of Sarnia, and Jane Modderwell,  of Moore,
                                                                                                                                                                            9  March 1842.  w:  Wm McGregor,  Jas Watson.

                                                          '>  Alfred P.  Toulmin, of Plympton, and Dorothy Bury,  Sombra
                                                                                                                                                                                             By John C.  Warren of Raleigh,  Eider .
                                                          ...4  Feb 1840 by J. W.  Kea ting,  J. P.  in Sombra.  w:  A. w.  Wat-
                                                                                                                                                                                             Canadian W.M.  New Connexion Church
                                                          son of Plympton,  and Alexander Kerby of Sombra.

                                                                                                                                                                                Reuben  Hall  and  Ruth  Taylor,  on  November  15,  1S41.  W:
                                                                                                                                                                            Samuel Hall  Nelson Chapman.
                                                              By George Watson,  Eider of the Baptist Church,  Sarnia:
                                                                                                                                                                                Lorenzo èooze and Elizabeth Adair, of Orford.  26  Jan 1S42.

                                                             Robert Brooks,  farmer  and L ïl'                                                                              w:  Augustus Crane.                                                             .
                                                          Plympton, 23 Oct        1839     w.' James        tas Park,  spins ter, both of                                       Thomas  King  and  Welthy Ann  Baxter,  both  of  Raleigh.  on

                                                             Robert  Modderwell ·            · tl         Walker,  Joseph Modderwell                                        31 March 1842.  w:  Hiram McNeil.                                                    .
                                                          b  th                         '  gen  eman  and  A              H  .                                                  James Oscar Smith and Jantha Jane Stone,  both of Harw1ch,
                                                                of Moore,  25  Dec        1839   .  W·   '           nn .  oste,  spinster,
                                                             James Park,  farmer  and El'  Andrew Hoste,  James Hosie.                                                      2  Oct 1842.  w:  James Jolliffe.                                          .     •)     ,
                                                          of PlYmpton,  24  Jan 18~0                 Rlzabeth Climie,  spinster,  both                                          James Giffing and Elizabeth Wilcox,  both of Raleigh .... 0 Oct
                                                             J  h                            ·  W:     obert Cl'  ·
                                                              o  n Waddle, Yeoman  and I                           Imte,  George Corrie.                                    1842.  w:  George  Flater.

                                                          of Plympton,  25 Dec 184,0                sabella Morrison, Spinster  both                                           Charles Adair  and  Sarah Simkins,  both of Harwich,  28  Oct
                                                             Allan Porter, yeoman  .  wd:  George Waddle,  John Mor;ison.                                                   1842.  w:  James Jolliffe.
                                                                                           • an  Phoebe A             p
                                                                                                                nne  aterson, spinster,
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