Page 79 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 79


                                                                                             The Ontario Register
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Western District 1\Jarriages                                   75
                                                                                                                 . 1  both  of  Howard,  13  July
                                                                                -        d  N·mcy      1\1 Dllg 1
                                                                                                                 •  '
                                                                   John  1\lcKa'  an           '  .  d  . 1\IcDugal,  Alexander McKay.                                                      Marriages by John Scratch,  J. P.,  Gosfield:
                                                                       .  H  vard  w·  Alexan  e1
                                                                1837  ll1    0\       ·   ·         •   \\ edg  both of Raleigh,  13 August
                                                                   Daniel  Ralyea  and  1\l::ti)                 ,         V  H'nman
                                                                                 .  h      . Joseph Wood,  H. D.  .                1        •                                      Michael Wigle  and  Miss  Dency Chapman,  both of Gosfield,
                                                                1837  in Ralelg  ·  w.  dEl'' . beth Wedg.  both of Raleigh,  10 Sept                                           11  Apr 1837.  w: Horatio Nelson,  John Wigle,  Peter Scratch.
                                                                   John W.  1\lapes an             lZ·                D  V  Hinman.                                                George Williams and Miss  Mary Ann Baldwin,  both of Gas-
                                                                1837 in Raleigh.  w:  Joseph Wood,  H.  .  .                                              .
                                                                                              .~1  call  both of Howard, 20 Sept 1837  m                                        field,  25 Apr 1837.  w:  Dominick O'Donald,  John Bottom.
                                                                                       d S
                                                                   Moses  Goff an          ::u i.U 1     •                  .
                                                                               .  Peter Lampman,  Hannah Sml th.                                                                   John Brown and Miss Charlotte Marks,  both of Gosfield, on
                                                                Howar  ·  w ·            ·th  and  Mary  Shay  both  o           f  R  1  ·  h  12 0      ct                    18 July 1837  w:  Prideaux Girty Esq.,  Peter Girty, and Sarah
                                                                                                                                      a  e1g  ,
                                                                   John  C   1mansnu                                 ·  .                                                       Herrington.
                                                                1837 in Raleigh.  w:  James  Priee,  Ben)  Bell.
                                                                                                                                                                                   David Spoldon  and  Miss  Jane Buris,  both of Gosfield,  15th
                                                                   James N.  Newcomb and Jane 1\IcDonald,  both of Orford,  on
                                                                                                                                                                               Aug 1837.  w:  Peter Girty,  Thomas  Girty,  Thomas Richmond.
                                                                30 Nov 1837  in Orford.  w·  Andrew Bakus,  Dan.  W.  Newcomb.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Thomas Gooro and  Miss Mary Ann Scratch, both of Gosfield
                                                                   John Chase  and  Sarah Jane  White.  both of Howard,  30 Dec
                                                                                                                                                                                5 Sept 1837.  w:  John 1\Ialott,  Peter Malott,  Peter \\'igle.
                                                                1S37  in Howard.  w:  Jonathan Chase,  Margaret Chase.                                                             John McManomy  and  Miss  Hannah  Buchanan.  both of  Gos-
                                                                    Joshua Wedg  and  1\Iargaret  Strang.  both of Harwich,  9  Jan                                             field,  5 Sept 1837.  w:  Roger Spencer,  Samuel Herington.

                                                                1838 in Harwich.  w:  Peter Strang,  Robert Strang.                                                                John Wigle and Miss Ann Randle,  both of Gosfield,  12 Sept
                                                                    Benjamin Pettet, of Southwold, and Mary Eberly,  of Or ford,                                                1837.  w:  Leonard Wigle.  Horatio Nelson.

                                                                 15 1\Iay 1838 in Orford.  w:  John Eberly,  Benjamin Bell.                                                        Thomas  Malott  and  Miss  Ann Scott,  both of  Gosfield,  17th
                                                                    Jesse Tirrel  and  Jane Cameron,  both of  Harwich,  24  June                                               Sept 1838.  w:  Horatio Nelson,  Michael Wigle,  Peter G.  Malott

                                                                 1838 in Harwich.  w:  Joshua Wedg,  Wm  McGregor.                                                                 Samuel Ross  and  Miss  Sarah Munger,  both of Gosfield.  on
                                                                    Peter Strang and Jennett Maxwell,  both of Harwich,  10 July                                                3  July 1838.  w:  Peter G.  Malott,  Leonard Scratch.
                                                                 1838.  w:  Joshua Wedg,  James  Maxwell.                                                                          Peter  Scratch  and  Miss  Mary  Little,  both of  Gosfield,  on

                                                                    Benjamin Chapman  and  Rachel Adair,  both of Orford,  21st                                                 11 Sept 1838.  w:  Henry Scratch,  Henry Wigle,  John Xutson.
                                                                 Sept 1838  in Orford.  w:  Joseph Eberly,  John Adair.                                                            James Gary and Miss  Fanny Elliott,  both of Gosfield,  6 Jan
                                                                                                                                                                                1839.  w:  John Brown,  John Williams.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Rubin Bently and Miss Cealy !son,  both of Gosfield, 1  Mar
                                                                                                                                                                                1839.  w:  John Chapman,  Jacob Greenlosin.
                                                                    Henry Elliot and Mary Ann Badder,  11 Oct 1838,  in Tilbury
                                                                  Township  by  John C.  Warren,  an elder of the  W. M.  Church.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       By Rev.  Richard Herrington,
                                                                  w:  John Kingston,  Charles Badder.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Regular Baptist Church,  Gosfield:

                                                                     John  ~uchanan of  the  Township  of  Nankin,  Michigan,  and
                                                                                                                                                                                   George Eade,  of Colchester.  and  Elizabeth Arner,  of Gos-
                                                                  Mary PrlCe,  of Raleigh,  2 May 1838 by Thomas Renwick  J. P.
                                                                                                                                                                               field,  16 Sept 1839 in Gosfield.  w:  Jacob Iler. Anthony Grum-
                                                                  w:  James  Priee and George Clininsmith,  both of Raleigh.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Jacob Dex  and Elizabeth Ryer,  both of Colchester.  6th Xov
                                                                   M Peter McGlashin,  of Sarnia Township, and Sarah Mayne  of                                                  1839  in Gosfield.  w:  John W.  Williams.  \\'m Rusanboar.
                                                                     oore,  30th Apr  1838  by  J                   E                                   '
                                                                   Sarnia Rese                    '        ames  vans,  Wesleyan minister,                                         John  Hutch,  of  Gosfield.  and  1\Iary Adams.  of  Colchester.
                                                                                   rve.  w:  Hugh  Johnson,  Froome Talfour.                                                    18 Dec 1839 in Gosfield.  w:  Henry \\'igle.  Rudolph  Hcffman.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Abel  Stewart.  of Mersea, and  Lucy Blackmore. of Gosficld,
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