Page 326 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 326

Index of Places

                                  ben county  1 57                                 W.uncy  1')5, 21  , lll
 320   Indt•x of Plact>a     SteU         122                                      Lower Dublin  Z 11
                             syracuse       3
                             Tuckahoe  9                                           Philadelphta  88, l3f
 Augusta  22, 21 5   Brooklyn  24
                             Ulster County:                                        Pittsburgh  89, liJL
 Battle Creek  22   Broomc  County  135
                                New  Paltz  24,25                                  Pottsville  9t.
 Bellevue  94   Canada Creek  7
 Blissheld  88   Cayuga  County: Sempronius  26   Stone  Ridge  87                 Tadsbury  219
 Charlotte  101   Chcnango County:  Norwich  135   Wayne  county:  Pa1myra  157   RHODE ISLAND  7
 Desmond  60   Columbia County:  Livingston  233   Yates  County  156              West Greenv.ich  Z.6
 Detroit  3-7,49-53,91,92,116,241   Delaware County  24, 25   Middlesex  2.5   SOUTH CAROLINA:  Dillo1:  l4
 Eaton Rapids  101   Dover  233   Starkey  42., 45                             SOUTH DAKOTA  Z22
 Grosse Pointe  53   Dutchess County  90, 155,215,233   OHIO:  Cincinnati  1 0 8   McLaughlin  92
 Hillsdale County  94   Poughkeepsie  24, 25
                             Cleveland  88                                     TENNESSEE:  Mr>mphia  215
 Jackson  221   Washington  155   Norwa1k  135                                 TEXAS:  Dallas  241
 Leelanau County  24   Erie County:                                            VERMONT  5, 7, 89
 Ma comb Co: Armada  13 5   Black Rock  161   PENNSYLVANIA  2.,  25
                             Bucks  County:  208-209,214,217,219                   Bennington ·  149
 Michilimackinac  54   Buffalo  90,91,94,95,96,98,118 ,
 Nankin Tp.  74   124,132,158,160,222   Falls  Tp.  155                            Danby  245
 Pontiac  88   Essex County:  Crown Point  138   Middletown  219                  Milton  137
 Rie hmond  13 5   Farmington  215   P1umstead  134                            VIRGINIA  24
 Rochester  103   Fulton County:  J ohnstown  156   Richhill  155              WASHINGTON,  D.C.  9l,l36
 Saginaw  101-102   Genesee County:  Batavia  138   Rich1and  214              WEST  VIRGIN!.A:
 Whitecloud  242   Greene  County:  Lexington 24,2 5, 26   Upper Makefie1d  211   Mor!!antown  93
 MINNESOTA  100, 138,215   Jefferson County:  133   Catawissa  220                Princeton  :!40
 Lake Alexandria  93   Ellisburgh  136   Harrisbur g  40, 103
 St.Paul  91   Montgomery County  156, 157                                    WISCONSIN:  Prairie du Chien  54
 MISSOURI:  St.Louis  90   New  York  City  93,97,108,130,240,
 MONTANA:  Bozeman  88   241
 NEVADA:  Yuginia City  88   Niagara County:            GREAT  BRITAIN  &  IRELAND
 Lockport  23, 24
 NEW HAMPSHIRE  3 , 4, 7   Porter  130   ENGLAND  87,90,94,121,157,213,           Athearn Castle  Oo
 Concord  90                   216, 244
 Royalton  24, 130                                                                Cavan Co.  :!44,245
 Franklin  90               Belford  149
 Wilson  130                                                                      Clare Co.  96
 Peterboro  97
 Nine  Partners  7          Cornwall  19, 90, 251                                    Kilrush  106
 Salisbury  90
 Oneida County:             Cumberland  18
 Stewart's  Town  137                                                             Cork  220
 Utica  14                  Derbyshire :  Matlock  209
 NEW JERSEY  l-7, 157, 162                                                        Cranagill  154
 Western  132-33            Devonshire  1 52
 Bound  Brook  94   Ontario County  156, 157                                      Down:  Stramore Ho::se  ll.Z
 Hunterdon County  36          Exeter  123                                        Leinster  4
 Augusta Tp.  24, 25
 Bethlehem  7               Dorset:  Shaftesbury  12 5                            Leitrim  246
 Canandaigua  134
 Lake Mohawk  23            G1oucestershire  157
 Geneva  156                                                                      Meath  96
 Monmouth  County  34   Lodi  156, 157   Hereford sbire:                         Monaghan  20
 Middletown  8   Manchester  156, 157   Weston under Penyard  211
 Montclair  241            Kent:  Deal  115                                      Queen's  Co •  .!43
 Orange County  157                                                              Tyrone Co.  155, ISo
 Newark  23                Lancashire  94
 Oswego County  24, 2 5                                                          \\'exford:  New Ross  244, ~4"
 Orange  23
 Constantia  26                Liverpool  109
 Somerset Co:  Basking Ridge  24,25                                              W icklow Co.  :!4-.
 Sussex Co:  3, 24,31-47   Rensselaer  County:   Lincolnshire:  Tupholme  Hall  112   SCOTLAND  o,s-,o),l  5,12o,24~
 Pittstown  6              London  109,125,154
 Greenwich  34,41, 45                                                            Argy1eshi:re  89
 Troy  89                  Northumberland  19
 Hackettstown  42                                                                    Mull  25
 Richmond  Hill  23, 24
 Hardwick  3 7, 42,46          North Shields  2                                  Ayrshlre-:
 Hardyston  45   Rochester  23,24, 95, 156,242   Staffordshire  246
 St. Lawrence County:  Madrid  186   Suffolk:                                        \~o, se-n  CoV'lton  11 o:;
 Knowlton  38,39,40
 Salmon River  138                                                                  Ste-"·arton  Il-
 Mansfield-Woodhouse  35      Battis ford  117
 Saratoga County  2 5,  26                                                       Ban:::  124
 Newton  (& Newtown Tp.j25,   Wilby  114
 38, 40,43   Ballston Spa  131   Wiltshire  87                                   Caithness -sbire:  Dunnet  .'!.!~
 Half Moon  2 5, 26
 Oxford  35, 36,41         Worcestershire  157                                      Wï.:-k  .:.21
 Saratoga Springs  130
 Wall Kill  37, 46         Yorkshire  19, 221                                   Glasga'  ,:..;,  10  ,  121,123
 Schenectady  5, 2 53
 Wantage  34, 45,46                                                             !nH~rnC'ss-shire  ll.4
 Schoharie County  1 57       North Riding  of.  120
 Warren County.  See Sussex Co .                                                Pcrthshire:  C'rieff  "-
 Sene ca County  1 56 ,  15 7   Halifax  8
 NEW  YORK  2-7,89,181,221                                                      R.-nfre" shi re:  Eld<-rshe  1.':5
                              Thet  211
 Albany  County  162   Ovid  94, 138   1 RE LAND                                Re,"burghshlre  114
 Albany  4 ,  5, 14,24   Seneca Falls  109   213   3 6                              Kt-Iso  llO, u-
                                      - ,  24,25,91,94,12.5,1.!6,
 Waterloo  233                    ,  244
                          Ant  ·                                                Stirlingshirc  2
                          A   nm:  Curran  105                                  St ranra.-r  n
                            rmagh  242' 243
                                                                                Wigtown  Q,!
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