Page 167 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 167

The Ontario  Regis ter
                                                                                       'Ida  wife  of  James Menown,  aged
                                                  1\Ienown.  26  ep    t  1850  1\la  t1     ,
                                                     28 yrs.  d.         Sep~ stranger.  aged  about  40 years,  died at
                                                                       50                                                                                              MARRIAGE  REGISTER  OF  THE  EASTERN  DISTRICT
                                                 30 September 18           ·         th  Septembe r  and was  buried in the
                                                        J  hn  Riselay's  on      29                             t  E  ·
                                                  Mr.  o                     M  thodist Chapel  near  F  .              ne.
                                                  burial ground of the  e
                                                                                                                                                                                            [ Continued from  page 30]

                                                                                                                                                                    The  presentation  of  the  marriages in this  series has been

                                                                                                                                                                 altered slightly  from  previous  installments.  Heretofore,  the
                                                                                                                                                                 marriages were presented in the order that the District Clerk
                                                                                                                                                                 of the  Peace  recorded  them in the register  from the  returns

                                                                                                                                                                 of  the various  clergymen.  As  the returns  were made at very
                                                                                                                                                                 irregular intervals, the en tries in the regis ter became uneven

                                                                          INFORMATION SOUGHT                                                                     or scattered both as  to chronology and place.  To help remedy
                                                                                                                                                                 this  situation in sorne measure,  all the marriages performed

                                                    DEPUE,  Lieut.  John  and  wife  Mary  left the Wilkes-Barre                                                 by a clergyman have been printed here in one  sequence before
                                                 area of Pennsylvania in 1775 and came to Niagara.                                                               the  returns  of  another  clergyman  are  turned  to.  It is hoped

                                                    SPRINGER,  David was shot in 1776 in Albany County,  N. Y.                                                   that  in  this  way  sorne  coherence  will  be  given  to  the  many
                                                 His  widow  Margaret brought  her  children  to Canada  at  that                                                different returns in the regis ter.

                                                 time.  - Mrs. L. W.  Preston,  250  Penn Drive, Burlington, Ont.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Rev.  Robert Lyle,  A . .M. ,

                                                    STEWART,  John  a Loyalist of  Digby Co.,  Nova Scotia who                                                                       Presbyterian Minister.  Osnabruck
                                                 settled in  Upper Canada late in life, about 1819, where he died                                                                                      1833 -1837
                                                 two  or three years later  also,  Stewart families  of the Talbot

                                                 Road in Orford and Howar d,  Kent Co., Ont.  - Thos B.  Wilson,                                                    John  Gibb  and  Janet            Hume,      25  1\lay  1833.  by  lie.  W:  John
                                                 Box 217,  Madison,  N. J.  07940
                                                                                                                                                                 Hunter,  John Haines.                         .          .          November 1833.
                                                                                                                                                                    John  Wm  Gardner  and  Lucmda  Ramy.                        13
                                                    DENNIS,  Adam  moved  from  New  Jersey  with  his wife and                                                  w:  Simon Clark,  Samuel  Nash.                                     November 1833.

                                                 child:en to Thorold Tp., Welland Co.,  Ont. in 1787; also Aaron                                                    Joseph Auher and Elizabeth Casselman,                        14
                                                 Denms  of  Thorold,  b.  1775  in the  U. S.  and  wife  Catharine                                              by lie.  W:  David Eligh,  John weav_er.                        15  November 1S33.
                                                 Brown b.  1777.                                         '
                                                                                                                                                                    William Marshal  and  Amelia Kmgston,
                                                 60~~W~, _John  of Thorold,  deceased by 1796,  served in the                                                    W:  Robert Lyle,  James  Fykes ·                                    rd [:t\('Yember?]

                                                 at  th   eg 1k759;  he  and his wife Agnes lived in New Jersey                                                Daniel  Thompson and Margaret Helmer,                         23
                                                        e  ou  rea  of  th  R               .                                                                    183
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1 ~33  \\':
                                                 1179  Brooks·d  D            e  evo utlOn.  - Mrs.  Ralph  McGaughy,                                                 3.  w:  Archy T  ompson,             Asahel Hough.        December  ::.  ·
                                                                  1  e  r . ,  Newark,  Ohio.  43055                                                                George  McEwen  an                      ·a  Sheets,     17
                                                                                                                                                                                                  d  M  an
                                                    RISELA y  (Ris ley)  d                                                                                       Joseph McEwen,  Hugh McEwen.  t                          February IS3~~.  ''':  Robt
                                                 1828,  U.E.  of Ft  E:  .escendants of Christian Riselay,  1755-                                                   Henry Hodgins and  Susan Stuar '                   1
                                                                 ,       ·  n e  and his  r                                          h  s
                                                 Wilson,  Box 217  M ct·  '                    Wl e  Catharine Sipes.  - T  o                                    Lyle,  Adam Redick.                                           lS~l4,  by lie.  \\': Gco
                                                                       ,    a  tson,  N. J.  07940                                                                  Guy  E.  Sheek  and  Mary  Grant.                 9  ---
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