Page 22 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 22

Pi'opli' of Onhno L600-1900                   lC4~

                 PO~TAGUE. B,aptlSb(Ue:U L17-- ItONT12-318            PORTER. 0 (PATI L185600NT8-29.30
                 PORTAGUB. Boptlst. (HIL> Ll7-- 00BI-400              PORTBR, 0 J L18900GYI-45
                 PORTB. A W Ll870 OHXI-7                              PORTER, D..rcy (PAT) Ll854 ttONTa-24
                 PORTE, Geo L1877 ttMXl-74                            PORTER, Darcy (PAT)  L186~ MONTa-Sa
                 PORTE, John R U87l ttWE1-~6                          PORTER, Darcy (PATI Lie66 MONT8-91
                 PORTE. W J (LAW) Ll9l600NTl4-'57                     PORTER, Darcy (PAT) Lla62 MONT8-67,6a
                 PORTB. Wm Ll872 OAI-13                               PORTER, Davld LiEc79 NHPI-91
                 PORTB. Wm L1877 OAI-13                               PORTER, David LlS67 NEUl-92
                 PORTEONS, John lCRP) 11851 .~E9-6                    PORTER, David LlEc78 NDNI-23
                 PORTBOUS.  0002-179                                  PORTER, David Ll890 NGYI-45.48
                 PORTBOUS.  L1a670BUI-151                             PORTER, David LH:37 NV01-El:7
                  PORTBOUS.  LlS600CL2-27                             PORTBR. B L187800NI-40
                  PORTBOUS. (HISS) 0002-381                           PORTER, E G (LAW) L1916 NONT14-456
                  PORTEOUS, (HRS) L1879 MPTl-42                       PORTER, Elin Lla7l NWE1-175
                  PORTE DUS. A L1866 0002-251                         PORTER, Ev..n LlEl:78 "ON 1-23
                  PORTE DUS. AB 0002-367                              PORTER, F W Ua7t NWEI-67,127
                  PORTE DUS. C B L L1S85 OV02-136                     PORTERI Fr..nCls (FAR) Li890 tt514-q4
                  PORTEOUS, CEL L1884 "V02-137                        PORTER, Geo LIan ttMXl-74
                 PORTBOUS, Co Ll8670BUI-151                           PORTER I Geo L1879 ttMPI-66,91
                 PORTEOUs, DaVid UEl71 ttl.JE1-203                    PORTER, Geo ua71 ttWEI-192
                 PORTE DUS, Duncan L1a79 MDD2-29                      PORTER, Geol"'ge Li878.FLAI-4&
                 PORTE DUS, Ge-o Li871 ttDD2-187                      PORTER, George (TCRI L1a71 "WEi-58
                 PORTEDUs, Howard L1910 #Cl2-42                       PORTER, H LfB78 ttLGl-61
                 PORTBOUS, J L18790PTI-42                             PORTER, H..rv,y L1900 MV04-163
                 PORTBOUS. J L18660D02-251                            PORTER, Houston Li890 tt514-91
                 PORTBOUS. J L182600BI-220                            PORTBR. Hugh L18790HUl-43
                 PORTBOUS. J K L18-- OCL2-38                          PORTER, Hugh  Lla7ElttONI-24,11~
                 PORTEOUs, James L1803 NOe: 1-244                     PORTER, Isaac Ll890 MGYI-48
                 PDRTEOUs, Jas L1879 #PTI-42                          PORTER, J Ll879 MPT1-10,li
                 PORTEOUs, Jas Ll879 *D02-29                          PORTER, J L1877 00NI-29
                 PORTEOUs, Jas Li877 "WOI-42                          PORTBR, J L1870 OON 1-12
                 PORTEOUs, Jno L1879 MCLi-15                          PORTBR. J L18750BRI-a7
                 PORTE DUS. Jno L18790PTl-42                          PORTBR. J L18790HUI-29
                 PORTEOUS, John Ua90 MQVI-39                          PORTER, J U87e NDNI-23,:n
                 PORTE:OUS, John U803 NOE 1-244                       PORTBR. J L18780FLAI-49
                 PORTBOUS. Jos L1879 OCLI-35                          PORTER, J Li878 "LGI-18,61,63,73,74
                 PORTBOUS, L.tltla L1900 OCL2-38                      PORTER. J H L1B770o(AP) NHA4-:::S
                 PORTEOU5, Loh U900 MCL2-38                           PORTER I J (LAW) L1916 ttONT14-461
                 PORTBOUS, H L1877 OHXI-77.78                         PORTER, James Li8S7 ttPTI-Xl
                 PORTBOUS. H L18790CLl-15                             PORTER I James Lia77 ttNFI-26
                 PORTEOUS, P 11878 MDNl-20                            PORTER I Jam,s U8~6 MCL2-4~
                 PORTBOUS. R L1879 OPTI-42                            PORTER, Jam,s U878 ttDNI-27
                 PORTBOUS. R L18900GYl-45                             PORTER I Jame-s Li878 NFLAi-33
                 PORTEOU5, R W (MID UE:99(FR)(CLl MONT28-472          PORTER, James U8n .LM 1-~2
                 PDRTEOUS, Richard USqO ..QYI-39                      PORTER, James L1871 MWE1-H:6
                 PORTEOU5, Robert L1845 .. PTl-64                     PORTER, James IF AR} (HA?) uen NHA4-86
                 PORTEOU5, Robert L1850 "PTt-XVIII                    PORTER, J"nlt Lla78 ttVOI-40
                 PORTEOU5, Robert L1867 "BU1-127                      PORTER, Ja!i  L1S7~ ttWTi-41
                 PORTE DUS, Sam L1871 OWB 1-203                       PORTER, Jas Ll879 "HPl-91
                 PORTEOUS, Thomu L1SQO ..QYI-39                       PORTER, Jas U877 ttNFl-26
                 PORTEOUS. 1,1 L18770HXI-77                           PORTER, Jn L1679 .. HUI-29
                 PORTBOUS, 1,1 Ll8790PTI-42                           PORTER, J..s U871 MWES-192
                  PORTBOUS, 1,1 G L18-- OCL2-14                       PORTBR, Jas (FAR) (HAP) L18770HA4-86
                 PORTBOUS, 1,1 J L18-- OCL2-38                        PORTER, Jno 11878 ttMXt-12,13
                 PORTEOUS, Willia.m Ua46 MPT1-64                      PORTER, Jno U879 MPTl-33
                 PORTEOUS, William Lia77 MONl-43                      PORTER, Jno 11879 MMPI-91
                 PORTEOU5, Wl11i,am L1894 "V04-:35                    PORTER, John Li85i MPTt-6~
                 PORTBOUS, Wm L18470PTI-XVlII                         PORTER, John Lia77 MONl-29
                 PORTBOUS. Wm L1879 0002-29                           PORTER, John LiS2t ttLRI-22
                 PORTEOU5, Wm U871 MWEt-140,203                       PORTER, John BI838<CAN) L1361 ttV03-16
                 PORTBR,  L18780HXI-13                                PORTER, John Ll900 ttV04-'59
                 PORTBR.  OCLI-X]X                                    PORTER. John L18520AI-26
                 PORTBR.  0002-335                                    PORTER, John Ua67 tteUl-92
                 PORTBR.  L1875 0002-368                              PORTER, John Lia7a ttONI-23,24
                 PORTBR,  L1877 ONFI-26                               PORTER, John Lian ttEL2-61 ,62
                 PORTBR.  L18780LGl-62                                PORTBR, John Ll8830BSI-26
                 PORTBR, (CAPT) OCLI-VI                               PORTER, John Li87a MFLAI-48
                 PORTBR. <DR) L19040002-60                            PORTER, John U890 MGYl-4~,4a
                  PORTBR. (GBNI Lla120LW2-8                           PORTER, John U8a4 MKTI-92
                  PORTBR. (HIL> L182800NT21-28                        PORTER, John Lla73 MPL~-93
                 PORTBR. (HISS) L18730PL5-86                          PORTER, John Lla45 MPT2-t21
                 PORTBR. (HRI L18780HUI-5                             PORTER, John Ua7! ttWEI-I04,236
                 PORTBR, (HRS) L1871 O<.JE 1-107                      PORTER, John L1a7a ttYOI-26
                 PORTBR, (\.ITR) L18290COA6-46                        PORTER, John L!a37 MYOl-87
                 PORTER, A Lt87Q "PTt-li                              PORTER, John (F AR) Lla90 "SI4-90
                 PORTBR, AT L18790HPI-61                              PORTER, John (MR) (LEl l1a65 MONT23-2~4,404,664,7Z4,
                 PORTER, Ain Ua79 MMPI-91                                810
                 PORTBR. AI.. L18790HUI-61                            PORTER, John (MR) (LEl  Lla6~ MONT24-176,349,391,'51a,
                  PORTER, Alex L1890.S14-91                              623,66~,309
                  PORTER, Alnand.r Li877 ttLMl-48                     PORTBR. John 0 (KR) (LB) L186500NT24-197
                  PORTER. Allon LI8n OEL2-62                          PORTER, Joseph LlB78 MONI-24
                  PORTER. And LI871 OWBI-192                          PORTER, Joseph L1Bn MEL2-62
                  PORTBR. Asa L178400BI-23                            PORTER, Joseph L1a90 ttGYI-40
                  PORTER. Bttnjamin Li878 MDNI-23                     PORTER, Joseph L1837 MPL4-74
                  PORTBR. CH (LAWl LI91600NT14-464                    PORTER, Joseph  L18~2 MP82-121
                 PORTER. C K L1877 ONFl-26                            PORTER, Joseph Jr  Lla7~ "ONI-23
                 PORTBR. C K (F ARI (HAPI L18n OHA4-86                PORTltR, Joshull. L1890 "GYI-4~
                 PORTER, Chal"'lu U878 NONI-23,24                     PORTER, Josiah U86'5 MGY2-574
                 PORTER, Ch ..rln U837 NONI-liS                       PORTBR. H L183600Nl-104
                 PORTER, Ch..rln Et ntRI (LE) US6'5 MONT24-349,391,   PORTER, Mug.rt1: U879 MMPI-91
                     518,6d5                                          PORTBR. Kary L1877 00NI-s4
                 PORTER. Ch,ar1n M U83'5 ttONI-l1~                    PORTER, Ha1:hew LlS79 MONI-24
                 PORTBR, Chas L1877 OHLI-31                           PORTER, Ll875 ttWTI-42
                 PORTBR, Ch.. E (HR> (LB) L186500NT23-157             PORTBR. N R L1877 ONFI-26
                  PORTER, Christin.. H1895 Uaal "V09-236              PORTER, Na1:h Ll877 ttHA4-24
                  PORTBR. 0 L18900514-92                              PORTER , Oliver (FAR> Ll890 "514-93
                  PORTBR. 0 (PAT) L18s700NT8-38                       PORiER, Ptttr  Ll87~ MWTI-42
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