Page 4 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 4
Pl'opll' of Ontuio 1600-1900 466
GORDEN, Ale)(olnder L1867 .. 8U1-144 GORDON, Donolld L1876 "OXl-35
GORDE N, Conrad Lle:37 "PL4-74
GORD~N, H Ll877 00NI-36 GORDON. Donolld LH:39 "OXl-51
GORDON. Donald LlB79 OMPI-91
GORD~N, J Ll:377 00NI-36 GORDON, Donollcl U$67 "8Ul-1~4
GORD~N, Ja. Ll877 OHLl-4
GORD~N, Jo.epn Ll:3840KTI-95 GORDOr~, Donolld S 11879 ~MP1-~!
GORDON, Duncoll"l L1:372 ~EL2-6}
GORD~N, Paul Ll8670SUI-144 GORDON. ~ lIB77 OMXI-73
GORD~N, Robt SI806(IR~) Ll861 OV03-4 GORDON, E A L1867 "SUl-a:!
GORD~N, Robt Ll877 ONFI-27 GORDON, E:be-nezer (PAT) L1868 ,*ONT:::-12:j
GORœN, \Jilliam Ll:l780DN1-106 GORDON, E:dwolrd Ll867.SUl-169
GORD~N, \Jm Ll8840KTt-90 GORDON, E:dwi.rd {ADI U8-- .SUt-16:::
GORDEN, Wm (EST) L1860 "ON1·22 GORDON. ~lizabeth S181ICIIR~1 MPBI-60
GORDHAH. (~STl Ll8760L\J2-57 GORDON. ~phr.,m M1833 00NT21-5Q
GORDl8:, LCU1S Lia77 *LMl-49 GORDON, E:ste-r (FAR) L1890 ttSI4-95
GORDIN~~R. Jacob (HIL) Ll784(ONT100NT2ô-142 GORDON. ~va 1I94900NT13-194
GORDIN~~R. RobertlU~U Ll7-- 00NTt2-299 GORDON. FA Ll8780DNI-31
GORDIN~~R. Robert (MIU Ll7-- 00~1-397 GORDON, G L1879 MCLl-XlIVII
GORDO. A Ll879 00NT22-21 GORDON, G Lt876"'0Xt-23 142
GORDO, D L1S79 tt:ONT22-21 GORDON. G \J L18300DNI-112
GORDON, Ll879 OPTt-38 GORDON, Geo L1879 "CLt-24
GORDON, L1:ln 00Nl-3ô GORDON. Geo L1876 "OXl-7
GORDON, U8--" VOl-238 GORDON, Ge-o L1843 "HUl-20
GORDON, U:312 "LW2-:~ GORDON, Geo C Ll879 OPTI-7
GORDON, L1Sl30L\J2-14 GORDON, Georg@' L1:~36 .. HUl-16
GORDON. Ll:l66 0002-251 GORDON, Georg~t L1:390 ..GYt-39
GORDON, Ll:3-- "NFï-8,l2 GORDON, Georg@' L1890 ..SI4-Q4
GORDON, U:371 "NF1-t2,t5 GORDON, Georg@'{UE:U L1791 "ONT12-299
GORDON. LI8790HU1-:l7 GORDON, Georg@ (JRl L1872 tlE:L2-59
GORDON. Ll8780DNI-16 GORDON, Ge-org@ (SR) u:n2 tlEL2-'SQ
GORDON, Ll7:39 OGL2-5:l GORDON, Georg@' A U871 N:WE:(-:::t
GORDON, (CAPT) Ll880C OV09-112 GORDON, Georg~ SlMc1ol1r Ml:;:30 l:IorJT:~-44
GORDON, ILT-COLI LlBI4 OGL2-270 GORDON, GeorglMol L1890 .OY 1-'50
GORDON, (MAJI L1796 MGL2-93 GORDON, Groln1 (LAW) U949 "ONT2-272
GORDON, (MRI Lla420HUI-4 GORDON, H (PH) L1877"0Nl-26
GORDON. (HRS) Ll877 OON 1-36 GORDON. H (R~(_J lI2.7e OLG1-:0
GORDON. (MRS) LI8790HUI-2:3 GORDON, HO Ll8780LGl-24
GORDON. (MRS) L18n ODN 1-40 GORDON. Hel'en M Ll9030DD:-157
GORDON. IPH) LIan MNFl-32 GORDON. Henry 81~2:C(1RE) ..P81-60
GORDON, A U:379 ..CL1-24 GORDON, Hugh lI8900GYl-50
GORDON. A Ll2·79 OPTt-10.ll GORDON, Hugh LI8650GY2-572
GORDON. A Ll376 MOXI-23 GORDON, Hugh L1E:7101JE1-111
GORDON, A Lt879 MHU1-57,67 GORDON, Isaolc L1837 ttYOl-:37
GORDON, A L1:384 MKTI-92 GORDON, J L1877 00NI-18
GORDON. A L1:371 M\J~ 1-79 GORDON, J Ll85i MAI-14
GORDON, A <CAPT) U:376 "OXL-23 GORDON, J lI:378 MDNl-6,40
GORDON. A !MGOI Ll8670SUI-4ô GORDON, J A Llee40KTl-ge
GORDON, A P L18790MPI-71 GORDON, J F lI871 M\J~l-:':1
GORDON, A \J (FAR) Ll890 MSI4-93 GORDON. J K Ll:,:-- MONI-Il
GORDON, Aolron Lt884 "KTl-9t GORDON, J N LH:73 oDNI-~'1
GORDON, Acl<on (FAR) L1890 "514-:39 GORDON. Jame" L1863 MPTI-61
GORDON, Adam L1:3-- "ONt-ll GORDON, Jame!;. L1:331 "ONl-7:
GORDON. Adam Ll:374 00NI-14 GORDON, Jolmu. L1:346 "HUl-17
GORDON. Adam Ll:37ô 00NI-14 GORDON, Jolme!. Lt867 "BUI-69
GORDON, Adolm L1857 "OX1-49 GORDON, Jame!; L18QO "GY1-47
GORDON, Adam 811332iSCOT) L1B6J N:VOS-26 GORDON, Jame!. U:3S4.KTl-93
GORDON. Adam LH:30 MONTt7-151 GORDON, Jolme!;, Ml:32:3 #ONT21-i6,27
GORDON. Adam Ll8-- MONT3-15l GORDON, James M1830.0NT21-41
GORDON. Albert Ll877 M\J01-36 GORDON. Jame!; Ll:l370PL4-75
GORDON, Alex L1879 "ONT22-2t GORDON. Jame. S1E:15CIlR~1 OPS1-ôO
GORDON. Alex Ll832 MOXI-49 GORDON, Jolme!; Ll.371 .. WE1-l01.195J207,232
GORDON. Alex Ll8700SRI-68 GORDON. Jolmer. (JR) U87t "WE: 1-213
GORDON, Alex L1S71 "WE t-207 GORDON, Jolmer. (SR) L1390 ..GYI-42
GORDON. Ale>: S LIan MLMI-50 GORDON, Jolmes Kent {PAT) U868 .. 0NT:::-144
GORDON, Alexander L1867 .. 8Ul-I05J124,175 GORDON. Janet M183100NT21-34
GORDON, Aley.olnder 11890 ..GYl-50 GORDON, Jas U8770MXI-57
GORDON, Alexolnder 81fH9C(1RE:) .. PTt-60 GORDON. JolS L1830 "ONt-12
GORDON, Alexander (PAT) 11865 *"ONT8-90 GORDON, Jas L1877 MHlI-S
GORDON, Aley.ander' (PAT) L1866 "ONn:-93,96 GORDON. J .. 1I875 MSRI-83
GORDON, And Ll879 0002-35 GORDON, J .. U884 MKTI-92
GORDON, Andrew (JP) U871 "WE1-!31 GORDON. Ja. L.1871 0\J~1-179
GORDOII. Angu. L18n MLM 1-51 GORDON. JolS M L1860 "Al-22
GORDON, Anme L18:341*DD2-157 GORDON, Jennie Ll394.DD2-1'57
GORDON. Archd L18790HUI-61 GORDON, Jessie L1$93 "DD2-157
GORDON. Archibald LH:67 MSU1-i44 GORDON, Jno t.1379 "CL 1-24
GORDON. Arthur L1857 OPT1-XVIl GORDON, Jno C 1I879 MPTI-7
GORDON, Arthur L1889 :l*V09-112 GORDON, John L1B77 OMXI-45
GORDON, B L1879 .. 0NT22-Z1 GORDON, John L187600XI-7
GORDON, BenJamln L1874 #EL1-104 GORDON, John Ll876 .. L\,l2-:::0
GORDON. Sill L19220CU-31 GORDON, John LlB-- OHUI-9
GORDON. C \J L1917 .ONTI3-269 GORDON. John Li8490HUI-23,92
GORDON, C \,l .. DD2-302 GORDON, John L1~7:3 "DNl-6
GORDON, Cha.r-Ies L1E:65 "GY2-572 GORDON, John Lt:372 "E:L2-60
GORDON, CholS L1884 *KTt-92 GORDON. John LIB900GYI-39,50
GORDON. Chas Ll871 M\Jol-207 GORDON. John Ll:3840KTI-93
GORDON. 0 A L18e40KTl-91 GORDON, John LlS77 "LM 1-49
GORDON, DA Lt90S "KT2-65 GORDON, John L1790 00NTI8-77
GORDON, 0 101 (R~U Ll8n OCLI-XXVI GORDON. John S1781CIlR~1 OPSI-60
GORDON, Dol ld Li877 "NFl-43 GORDON, John 118900S14-91
GORDON. Da Id Li867 tt8Ul-83 GORDON, John U:377 "W01-36
GORDON, DavId Llen MDNI-il GORDON, John L1871 "WEt-72,7'5t~:1,195,207,21:~
GORDON. DavId IFARI (MAPI lI877 OHA4-105 GORDON, John Ll:337 ttYOl-86,87,:3:j
GORDON, Donald Ll857 OPT!-XVIl GORDON, John(UE:U L1789 "ONT12-1:::3
GORDON J Donald U879 "ONT2"2-~l GORDON. John (ADJ U:n1 .. WE: l-:~:~