Page 78 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 78

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                                                                                      Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944

                                                                                                       Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

                               Surname                              Maiden Narne        Data
                               FOURNIER              Angèle         BEAUDOIN            Died December 30. 1920 in Sudbury at 61 years. born Ste CBcile de Masham. P.Q., occupation housewife.
                                                                                        residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury, funeral date January 1, 1921, clergy F. Carrière. physician J. R.
                                                                                        Hurtibise  - ordered by Fournier, CBlestin - charged to Fournier. C. -of Sudbury
                               FOURNIER              Baby                               Died September 29, 1921 in Sudbury at Stillborn, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, funeral date September
                                                                                        29, 1921, clergy F. Primeau, physician H. M. Torrington - ordered by Fournier. L.
                               FOURNIER              Célina                             Died March 26, 1922 in Toronto Weston at 32 years, occupation housewife. residence Sudbury, buried in
                                                                                        Sudbury. funeral date March 29, 1922, clergy F. Primeau, physician Dr. Charlton - ordered by Fournier, L. -
                                                                                        charged to Fournier, L. -of Pearl. Sudbury
                               FOURNIER              Damas                              Died January 17.1920 in Sudbury at 37 years 4 months, bom Masham Mills. P.Q., occupation carpenter,
                                                                                        residence Cache Bay, buried in Sudbury, funeral date January 19, 1920, clergy F. CaniBre, phyçician J. A.
                                                                                        Dixon - ordered by Gauthier, Lucien - charged to Fournier, Damas -of 185 Notre Dame St.

                               FOURNIER              Damas                              Died October 19, 1939 in Blezard Valley at 75 years 8 months 3 days, born Pointe Fortune, P.Q., occupation

                                                                                        farmer, residence Blezard Valley, buried in Blezard Valley. funeral date October 22, 1939. clergy F. Dufresne.
                                                                                        physician Dr. Laflamme - ordered by Fournier, Olivier - charged to Fournier, O. - of Blezard Valley

                               FOURNIER              Ellen                              Died August 25,1919 in Sudbury at 9 months. born Sudbury. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral

                                                   -                                   d      a      t    e      s     i     c      i    a      n  J. N. Dixon - ordered by Emile Fournier
                               FOURNIER                                                 Died April 8, 1925 in Sudbury at 32 years 3 months 10 days. born Bonfield, occupation housewife, residence
                                                     Xavier                             Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date April 10, 1925, clergy F. Park, physician Dr. Koljanen - ordered by
                                                     Fournier)                          Fournier, Célestin - charged to Fournier, C. - of 185 Notre Dame, Sudbury
                               FOURNIER              Paul                               Died May 21.  1922 in Sudbury at 24 years 1 month 12 days. born Ste Cecile de Masham, P. Q., occupation
                                                                                        labourer, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date May 23, 1922, clergy F. Primeau, physician J. R.
                                                                                        Hurtibise  - ordered by Fournier, C. - charged to Fournier, C. -of Sudbury                                                  -
                               FRAPPIER              Arthur                             Died April22, 1919 in Sudbury at 17 years, born Blezard Valley, occupation farmer, residence Blezard Valley.
                                                                                        buried in Blezard Valley, funeral date Apri124, 1919, clergy Father N.. physician Dr. Howey - ordered by
                                                                                        Eugene Frappier - charged to Wilfrid Belanger - of Blezard Valley, Ontario
                               FRAPPIER              Ernest                             Died October 20, 1922 in Sudbury at 4 years. born Blezard Valley, residence Blezard Valley, buried in Blezard
                                                                                        Valley. funeral date October 22, 1922, clergy F. Astor, physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by Frappier, Aime -
                                                                                        charged to Frappier, A. -of Blezard Valley
                               FRAPPIER              Hubert                             Died March 18. 1943 in Sudbury at 4 years , born Blezard Valley. residence Sudbury, buried in Blezard Valley,
                                                                                        funeral date March ??. 1943, clergy F. Dufresne, physician Dr. Henry - ordered by Frappier, Wrn. - charged to
                                                                                        Frappier. Wm. - of 3638 Agnès

                                                                         lllegal to copy without permission -copyright 2004 Sudbury District Branch. Ontario Genealogical Society
                                                                            clo Sudbury Public Library. 74 Mackenzie Sl., Sudbury, ON, P3C 4x8  Att. Publications Co-ordinator
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