Page 59 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 59

Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944

                                                                                                       Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

                               Surname                              Maiden Name  Data
                               DECHAMPLAIN           John                               Died June 12, 1921 in Sudbury at 70 years. born Ste Luce. P.Q., occupation farmer, sculptor, residence
                                                                                        Noëlville, buried in Noelville, funeral date June 15, 1921, clergy F. Carrière. physician G. A.  Henry - ordered by
                                                                                        Brunet. Adelard (Mrs.) - charged to DeChamplain, John (Mrs) - of Noelville. Ontario
                               DELABOE               Delphis                            Died October 31, 1918 in Sudbury at 27 vears. bom St. Hyacinthe, occupation labourer. residence
                                                                                        Wahnapitae, buried in Sudbury. funeral date ~ovember4; 1918, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician R. Patterson -
                                                                                        ordered by D. Delaboe
                               DELLAVEDOVA  Rornanda                                    Died January 21, 1923 in Sudbury at 13 rnonths. born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral
                                                                                        date January 22.                               ..  .                                                                 -
                                                                                                     .  .  1923. clerav F. Primeau. Dhvsician Dr. Torrinaton - ordered bv Gasperini. Albert- charaed to
                                                                                       fu el lave do va, Gino -of ~azi~t., Sudbury
                               DELONGCHAMP I~eor~es                                    (Died July 6, 1924 in Sudbury at 15 months 11 days, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury.
                                                                                        funeral date July 7, 1924. clergy F. Paré, physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by ~elon~cham~, charged to
                                                                                        Delongchamp, G. -of Sudbury
                               DELONGCHAMP  Délvina                 LEBEAU              Died October 2,1922 in Sudbury at 70 years, occupation housewife, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury.
                               S                                                        funeral date October 4, 1922. clergy F. Primeau, physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by Delongchamps. G. -
                                                                                        charged to Delongchamps. G. -of Sudbury
                               DELORME               Azilina        RANCOURT            Died July 6.1920 in Sudbury at 42 years, born St. John. New Brunswick, occupation housewife. residence
                                                                                        Noelville, buried in Noelville, funeral date July 7, 1920. clergy F. Carrière, physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by
                                                                                        Dklorme. Wm. - charged to Délorme. Wm. -of Noelville, Ontario
                               DEMERS                Josephus                           Died May, 1919 in Sudbury at 80 years, born P.Q.. occupation farmer. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury,
                                                                                        funeral date May 13, 1919, clergy F. Carrière, physician Mulligan - ordered by Giles Demers
                               DEMORE  l+                                               Sudbury, buried in Hanmer, funëral date October 5, 1942. clergy F. Charpentier. physician Dr. Laflamme -
                               DEMORE                Eugène                             Died October 2, 1942 in Sudbury at 64 years 4 months 27 days, born Montreal, occupation farmer, residence

                                                                                        ordered by Démoré. E. (Mrs.) - charged to Démoré. E. (Mrs.) - of Hanmer
                                                                                        Died Apri122, 1944 in Sudbury at 1 month 5 days, born Hanmer, residence Hanmer, buried in Hanmer, funeral
                                                                                        date April 24. 1944, clergy F. Charpentier, physician Dr. Laflamme - ordered by Démoré, Emile - charged to
                                                                                        Démoré, E. - of Hanmer
                              I   f    i   d    n    n    e  Marie                      Died November 6, 1918 in Sudbury at 12 years, born Hanmer, occupation student, residence Hanmer. buried
                                                                    1                   lin Hanmer, funeral date November 7, 1918, clergy F. Descoteaux - ordered by Julien Denis

                               DENIS                1 Marie                             l~ied Auaust 25. 1920 in Sudburv at 9 months 23 davs. born Sudburv. residence Sudbuw. buried in Sudburv.
                              I                     I               I                   lfuneral date ~ubust 27. 1920. clérgy F. Carrière, phisician H. Koljonen - ordered by ~enk, Frank - charged to  (
                                                                                        I~enis, F. -of 351 Poplar St., Sudbury
                               DENIS                 iSimon         1                   IDied Julv 26. 1923 in Hanmer at 70 vears, born France. occu~ation farmer. residence Hanmer. buried in
                                                                                                  ,  .
                                                                                         Hanmer, funeral date Juiy 28, 1923,.~h~sician Dr. ~acey ordered by Denis, Louis - charged to Denis, L. -of

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                                                                            da Sudbury Public Library, 74 Mackenzie SI, Sudbury, ON, P3C 4x8  Att  Publications Co-ordinalor
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