Page 52 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944

 Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

 Surnarne   Maiden Narne  Data
 COTE   M. Jeanne   Died June 24, 1922 in Sudbury at 14 months, born Spragge. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral
 date June 26, 1922, clergy F. Primeau. physician Dr. Morrison - ordered by Côte. Alfred - charged to Côte, A. -
 of Sudbury
 COUDRIEAU   Baby   Died October 9. 1917 in Sudbury at stillborn. born Sudbury, residence Town of Broder. buried in Sudbury.
 funeral date October 10, 1917, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician W. J. Cook - ordered by Coudrieau, C.

 COUDRIEAU   Pierre   Died October 8, 1917 in Sudbury at 65 years, born LaGarache, France, occupation farmer, residence Town of
 Broder. buried in Sudbury, funeral date October 10, 1917, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician W. J. Cook -
 ordered by Coudrieau, C.
 COUILLARD   E. (Mrs.)   Died January 22, 1922 in Capreol, occupation housewife. residence Capreol, buried in Hanmer. funeral date
 January 24, 1922, clergy F. Nayl. physician Dr. Preseault - ordered by Couillard, V. - charged to Couillard. E. -
 of Capreol. Ont.
 COULES   Thomas X.   Died June 7, 1935 in Sudbury at 62 years, born Renfrew, Ont., occupation brick layer, residence Sudbury,
 buried in Renfrew, Ont.. funeral date June 10. 1935, clergy F. Salini, physician Dr. Henry - ordered by Piquette,
 L. - charged to Piquette, L. -of 147 Notre Dame St., Sudbury
 COURCHAINE   Eustache   Died September 27, 1920 in Sudbury at 14 days, born Milnet, Ontario, residence Milnet, Ontario. buried in
 Sudbury, funeral date September 30, 1920, clergy F. Carriere, physician Dr. Cook - ordered by Courchaine,
 Pierre - charged to Courchaine P. - of Milnet, Ontario
 COURCHESNE   Eugène   Died April2, 1921 in Sudbury at 30 years, occupation labourer, residence Worthington, buried in Sudbury,
 funeral date April 9.  1921, clergy F. Carrière - ordered by Worthington Municipality - charged to Worthington
 Municipalily - of Worthington
 COURSOL   Alda   Died April27, 1918 in Sudbury at 8 months, born Field, Ontario, residence Cache Bay. buried in Sudbury,
 funeral date April28. 1918, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician Dr. Dixon - ordered by W. Coursol - of Heron,
 COURTEMANCH  Eulalie   Died March 5. 1939 in Blezard Valley at 82 years, occupation housewife, residence Blezard Valley, buried in
 E   Blezard Valley. funeral date March 7,  1939, clergy F. Dufresne. physician Dr. Tanguay - ordered by Larocque -

 charged to Larocque, J. - of Blezard Valley
 COURVILLE   Lorraine   Died February 15, 1936 in Sudbury at 8 months 12 days, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury,
 funeral date February 16, 1936. clergy F. Coallier, physician Dr. Laflamme - ordered by Courville, Alfred -

 charged to Courville, Albert - of 518 Melvin
 COUSINEAU   Albert   Died October 26. 1918 in Sudbury at 13 years, born Naughton. Ontario, occupation student, residence
 Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date October 27, 1918, clergy F. Descoteaux. physician J. E. Charbonneau
 - ordered by Cousineau - charged to Thomas Cousineau

 lllegal to copy without permission - copyright 2004 Sudbury District Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society
 do Sudbury Public Library. 74 Mackenzie St., Sudbury, ON. P3C 4x8  Att, Publications Co-ordinator
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